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It was different. They were all different. They were even different among themselves. But they all had one thing in common. Keith. Keith and his growing love for hugs. He never really got them very often and they were usually only from Shiro. Because of how few and far between they usually were, he cherished them deeply, but it was often he would forget how they felt and how much he enjoyed them.

He found that he seemed enjoy Hunk's embrace the most. More than likely because his was the strongest. Hunk was so emotionally liberated; the man wore his heart on his sleeve and gave no hoots about who cared one way or another. It was so easy for the larger man to pour his delight and compassion into one gigantic back crushing body lock. Keith couldn't breathe for several seconds, but he felt that he couldn't be lost in a hug like that. He felt safe. He felt secure. Coran was a surprisingly close second, he could tell even through sharing it with Allura – whose was unsurprisingly delicate and proper. Pidge's hug he liked just for the sake of her trying to be on par with Hunk's hug. He imagined, sandwiched between Katie and Matt, they had shared many tight sibling clinches. Keith was glad to share a 'Herculean Holt ArmHuggedon' (trademark pending, Matthew Amadeus Holt) with them. He wouldn't take any single one of those hugs for granted.

"It's truly wonderful to have you back in the Castle of Lions, Keith." Allura and Shiro were more than anxious to hear about what transpired with Keith and Lance as far as Vartex, but they were just as eager to welcome home a member of the family.

"We've certainly missed you." Shiro took him by the shoulder. "I know I have."

Keith let the corner of his lips curl up in a demure smile. "Thanks, Shiro. It feels really good to be back."

"How long will you be staying with us?"

Keith flinched slightly at Allura's innocent inquiry. It was still a bittersweet subject in Keith's mind. "Actually, I... might be around for a bit."

"I'm glad to hear we'll have you around for a while, Keith. The team isn't the same without you." Shiro spoke with a smile that shifted into knitted brows of concern, "But I feel like something happened since we talked last..."

Keith spent the rest of the afternoon explaining everything that had come to pass the last two cycles. It actually kind of shocked him how little time had passed. And yet, even then, the trauma still felt minutes old; every once in a while, he would catch himself taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly to convince himself he was able to. Keith recounted the report from the scout unit, the blatant disinterest in it on Kolivan's part. He described the planet and the unusual atmosphere of abandonment. Keith again recalled the panic and helplessness he felt as he described getting ambushed and tossed like trash at the week's end. He could feel the strings of anxiety tighten inside him as he relived it in his mind, but he moved on as quickly as he could. He brought up Lance pulling him out of the water, (leaving out a few select details,) saving his skin and helping him retrieve what he had gone for. With clenched teeth he relayed the conversation that he had with Kolivan before storming out of M-Center and blew right into Lance suggesting he come back to the Castle for a bit of time, (leaving out a few more select details.)

"So... I'm not sure exactly when I go back to the Blade of Marmora." He sighed heavily, "If I do at all..."

When, at last, Shiro had come to pull him into an embrace, he truly felt home. He was glad that Shiro didn't let go right away. He could feel tears burning in his eyes and he refused to open them lest any of them break free in front of them. But he was home. There was a moment not far in the past that he thought he would never be able to hug any of them ever again. But there was one other thing; none of them made him feel the way he did when he was in Lance's arms.

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