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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: After the second eviction of the season, Catarina was evicted 8-2. After a fast pace before or after HOH, Marcus became the new HOH, giving his alliance Siete the advantage once again! Candy and Marcus' plan of voting against the house is working beautifully! Their plan is causing lots of chaos in the house! The chaos is causing Miko, Mitchell, Gavin, Travis and Jameson to almost loose their minds on who the the wonky two votes for Summer were and they believe  the votes were from Candy and Marcus! Marcus has nominated Zoe and Travis for eviction.

TONIGHT: Who will win the power of veto? And will it be used to save either Zoe or Travis from eviction? All this and more on Big Brother 4!

DAY 21


*Marcus runs out of the diary room with the box of chips*

Marcus: "Hey everybody! It is time to pick players for the veto competition!"

*Everyone gathers in the living room and sits on the couches while Travis and Zoe sit in the nominations chairs*

Marcus: "Myself, the two nominees and three other houseguests picked by random draw will compete in the veto competition! As HOH I will draw first."

*Marcus reached in and pulls out a chip*

Marcus: "Akira!"

DR: Marcus: "I'm so excited I picked Akira to play in the veto!

*Zoe then reaches in and pulls a chip*

Zoe: "Sergio!"

DR: Zoe: "I'm really happy that I picked one of my alliance members and not somebody from the other side of the house! Hopefully Marcus doesn't win this and I get off of the block!"

*Travis then reaches in and pulls a chip*

Travis: "Miko!"

DR: Travis: "YAS! I picked Miko! Miko will definitely save me if she wins the veto! I feel very safe with her playing in this veto!"

Marcus "As HOH, I need to choose a host for the veto competition and I choose Candy!"

Candy: "Aww! Thank you, babe!"

Marcus: "Big Brother will inform us when it is time to play! Good luck to everybody!"

*In the HOH room*

*Marcus and Candy are cuddling in bed together and are kissing each other*

Candy: *whispers* "I love you so much."

Marcus: *whispers* "I love you too. You feel okay?"

*Candy nods*

Candy: *whispers* "Yeah, I'm good. Good luck at the veto competition today."

Marcus: *whispers* "Thank you. I really wanna win it because I don't trust Akira."

Candy: *whispers* "I think Akira would use it if you told him not too. You need to keep our alliance in tact because we can't win the game with just the two of us."

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