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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: After a fact checking head of household competition, Siobhan won HOH, giving her alliance, The Lucky Seven an advantage! Siobhan worries that her relationship with Sergio was exposed to Zoe but it wasn't! Miko tells Jameson to tell Siobhan to nominate Catarina and Summer for eviction! Gavin, Jameson and Travis decides to be in a polyamorous relationship, the first in Big Brother history! Jameson convinces to nominate Catarina and summer for eviction, continuing his side alliance with Miko! At the nomination ceremony, Siobhan stayed true to her word and nominated Catarina and Summer for eviction. Akira and Summer continue their showmance while Marcus and Candy discover feelings for each other. Siobhan, Catarina, Summer, Gavin, Sergio, and Candy play in the power of veto competition! After a crazy sea adventure during the power of veto competition, Gavin won keeping his alliance in power! Gavin decided to not use the power of veto on Catarina or Summer.

TONIGHT: Who will be the second houseguest to leave the Big Brother house, Catarina or Summer? Find out on this episode of Big Brother 4!

DAY 16

*In the Lounge*

*Gavin, Jameson, Travis and Zoe are sitting together*

*Zoe is painting Gavin's nails while Jameson and Travis are cuddling*

Zoe: *whispers* "Eviction nights always give me a lot of anxiety."

Gavin: *whispers* "Oh my gosh me too, girly! I feel like I am on the damn block and I'm not! That's how much anxiety I have! I want the vote to go our way." 

Travis: *whispers* "HOH comps give me more anxiety then the evictions."

Jameson: *whispers* "I think you will get
more anxiety if you are on the block."

Travis: *whispers* "Oh definitely. If I was on the block my anxiety would be to the max."

Gavin: *whispers* "We need to kill it this week and win HOH."

Jameson: *whispers* "Who would you want to evict next?"

Gavin: *whispers* "Probably Marcus or Akira."

Zoe: *whispers* "Akira is shady to me."

Travis: *whispers* "Yeah, he is!"

Gavin: *whispers* "Marcus acts weird to me. Like that he's hiding things about his life or something."

Zoe: *whispers* "Mhm, I agree with that."

*In the Bathroom*

*Candy, Summer and Catarina are doing their hair while Marcus and Akira watch them*

*Candy is fixing her hair in braids while Summer is straightening her hair. Catarina is doing her makeup*

Marcus: "You look so beautiful today, Candy."

*Candy blushes hard*

Candy: "Thank you! You look so handsome, Marcus. And I really appreciate the compliment."

Marcus: "Thank you, Candy!"

Catarina: "You and Marcus are so freaking cute! Big Brother couple goals!"

Akira: "Summer and I aren't couple goals?"

*Akira laughs loudly*

Catarina: "Duh! All four of you are couple goals, honestly."

*Akira walks up and tenderly kisses Summer's cheek*

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