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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: We are now down to the final six and they fought for HOH power! Jameson won the HOH competition and has a showmance in mind to target! Jameson nominates Siobhan and Zoe for eviction, wanting to finally end the very close girl showmance! Gavin has won the power of veto and kept Jameson's nominations the same! Zoe was evicted (2-1) becoming the fourth member of the Big Brother jury. After a beary fun HOH competition, Gavin is the new HOH! Gavin nominates his final targets Candy and Siobhan for eviction!

TONIGHT: Who will win the power of veto? And will it be used to save either Siobhan or Candy from eviction? All this and more on Big Brother 4!

DAY 68

*In the HOH room*

*Gavin and Jameson all sit on the HOH bed while Miko sits on the HOH couch*

Miko: "Candy is the target this week and Siobhan is the back up plan?"

Jameson: "Yes ma'am! This week should be easy peasy for all of us."

*Miko smiles at Jameson*

Gavin: "Hey, Miko."

Miko: "What's up, Gav?"

Gavin: "Guess what happened before the nomination ceremony?"

Miko: "You and Jameson had sex?"

*Gavin and Jameson both gasp at Miko*

*Miko giggles loudly and smiles*

Jameson: "How do you know that?"

Miko: "Candy and Siobhan came up here to play chest and heard you guys having sex. I heard them talking about it in the kitchen."

*Gavin laughs loudly and Jameson's cheeks blush and he hides his face*

Gavin: "But in all seriousness, Siobhan wanted me to nominate you, Miko."

Miko: "Really? Why?"

Gavin: "Mhm! She said that you are the bigger target and that you need to go on the block."

Miko: "Well then. Let's confront her about that then. How's stupid does she think you are? Like you aren't going to tell me."

Jameson: "YAS! Expose her!"


*Miko walks out of the HOH room and goes downstairs to find Siobhan*

*Miko finds Siobhan eating a sandwich in the kitchen*

Miko: "So you told Gavin to nominate me?"

Siobhan: "Yeah, I did! Because you should go on the block. You are going to beat him and you freaking know it!"

*Candy just eats some popcorn and watches Miko and Siobhan arguing*

Miko: "He has won way more comps then I did! He's definitely going to beat you."

Siobhan: "I worked with him before you even did. So shush!"

Miko: "You disappeared because it was convenience to you and now you are trying to work with him again. Well guess what? It is too late now! The game is basically over."

Siobhan: "Okay, girl! Whatever. Watch you turn into a second placer or a third placer. How fun not winning."

Miko: "Well, I will win more then you either way."

*Gavin and Jameson both yells loudly and clap their hands happily*

Gavin: "I can tell who I want what happens in the HOH room! Just saying."

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