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*Here is the 4th episode of after dark this season! Enjoy!*

This show will be the times of 9pm - 12am! :)

DAY 31

- 9pm -
*In the Backyard*

*Mitchell, Akira and Marcus are playing pool*

*Mitchell and Akira are playing a game while Marcus is sitting and watching*  

Mitchell: "Oh my god, Akira! You are so good at this!"

*Akira giggles*

Akira: "I play a lot of pool at home. Do you, Mitchell?"

Mitchell: "Not really! I'm always busy at work and I am constantly."

Marcus: "What do you two do for work? I always wanted to know what everyone does but I never asked anyone."

Mitchell: "I am in the culinary business, starting from the bottom as a assistant dishwasher. I'm hoping to move up and possibly be a chef."

Akira: "I am a live chat agent at a small family owned business. I'm lucky they even hired me but they liked my credentials So, I am climbing up the work ladder too. I am really hoping to move out of my house of roommates and get an apartment or a house of my own."

Mitchell: "Honestly sams, but it is hard when it is just you and no roommates."

Akira: "It really is anymore. Well, what do you for work, Marcus?"

Marcus: "I was in the culinary career as well but the restaurant I was working at got shut down, so I am unemployed right now. It really sucks being unemployed at thirty four. I feel too old to be struggling."

Mitchell: "Don't feel embarrassed! Things happen!"

Akira: "Right, don't feel embarrassed Marcus! Things happen and you can find a job really quick!"

- 9:15pm -
*In the Bathroom*

*Candy is in the shower while Summer is washing her face*

Summer: *whispers* "Ugh, my face is freaking breaking out. This really sucks."

Candy: *whispers* "Girl, where? Your face looks perfectly fine to me."

Summer: *whispers* "On my cheeks and on my chin. I rarely break out this bad."

Candy: *whispers* "It is probably the stress from this crazy ass game. I'm surprised I'm not breaking out too."

- 9:30pm -
*In the Bathroom*

*Candy and Summer are doing face masks while Milo and Siobhan are painting their fingernails and toenails*

Candy: "I really miss my little sister."

Summer: "Aw, tell us about her!

Miko: "Yes! Tell us about her!"

Siobhan: "Yes, please!"

Candy: "Well, my grandma raised my little sister Yuki and I our whole lives because our mom has had an alcohol problem and she has been in and out of prison our wholes lives. Recently, my grandma passed away and I have gained custody over my sister. Yuki is going to start her senior year of high school this fall and I'm hoping she does well and maybe goes to college. We have been living off of the money our grandma left us and my job. I have been hustling in the entertainment industry. I want the best for Yuki and I."

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