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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: After the third eviction of the season, Zoe was evicted by a very close vote of 5-4 causing Marcus' side of the house to be feel blindsided! After a nail biting question and answer HOH competition, Gavin is the new HOH, giving the The Perfect 10, The Unusual Pair and Three's Company the advantage this week! Before the new week can even start, Sergio looses it on Siobhan, blaming her for ruining his Big Brother Game. Travis and Sergio then get into a very heated confrontation - causing Big Brother to get involved!

TONIGHT: What will happen to Sergio? And who will Gavin nominate for eviction? All this and more on this episode of Big Brother 4!

DAY 26

*Big Brother has just called Sergio into the diary room after getting aggressive with Travis and Siobhan*

*In The Diary Room*

*Sergio is in the Diary Room sitting down. His hair is all messed up and he is very mad*

"Sergio, before you entered the Big Brother house twenty six days ago, the rules regarding inappropriate behavior and aggressive behavior were explained to you throughly and repeated several times. Tonight at 7:40pm in the living room, you became aggressive towards Siobhan and Travis after witnessing them hug. You then pushed Travis and spit in his face and screamed in Siobhan's face."

Sergio: "People yell in here all of the time, Big Brother. People cuss and play wrestle all of the time! Oh, but because I yelled at Siobhan and yelled at Travis for touching my girlfriend, it is somehow a big deal? Fuck this game and fuck everyone in that house."

"Big Brother cannot permit a houseguest to threaten actual violence towards other houseguests. This is completely unacceptable behavior. Sergio, due to your aggressive and threatening behavior, Big Brother is left with no option other then to remove you from the house immediately."

Sergio: "Whatever. The money isn't even worth it if i can't act how I truly am. Sorry you are all snowflakes and can't handle me. You a should have known better before picking me."

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Sergio: "No, I'm good."

"Sergio, you may now leave the diary room by to door to your left."

*Sergio leaves the Diary Room*

*In the Pantry*

Gavin: *whispers* "What the fuck just happened out there? What the fuck?"

Travis: *whispers* "All I did was come down here to see if Siobhan was doing okay. She was curled up on the couch and looked tired and upset. Sergio has been acting weird with her."

Jameson: *whispers* "Sergio is fucking crazy dude. He needs to go. Like he needs to go this week."

Gavin: *whispers* "Seriously. I might put him up with Marcus tomorrow. He's fucking crazy."

DR: Jameson: "Sergio's out of control behavior is really effecting our alliance as a whole. It is affecting Siobhan and her game. I really hope Big Brother does something with Sergio because if he stays in this house, all hell is going to break loose."

DR: Gavin: "My original plan this week was to possibly nominate Candy and Marcus. But now I feel like I have to change my whole plan because of Sergio. I know Siobhan isn't really in our alliance, but I still care about her and I still want her to do well in this game. And the best for Siobhan's game is evicting Sergio."

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