Chapter 12

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The orb of light expands into a golden glittery outline of a woman. Long hair streaks down her back. She wears a white-blue glittering dress that glows like the moon. She is tall, taller than anyone I've ever seen.

The Moon Goddess...

"My children," the Moon Goddess says, her voice soothing and angelic. "I do not do this often. Interfering with life. But I have looked into the future and have seen terrible events happening to all of you if you were to never be found. Eden. I have placed Zaryn's pup inside of you so that Alpha Chuck will not touch you."

I gasp, tears welling in my eyes. Zaryn's pup?

"Fawn and Axel. I will bring you back to the ages you were when you arrived here. I cannot change the past. But I can alter the future. From this day on your age will decrease to sixteen and seventeen. You will no longer be forty."

I watch with amazement as Fawn and Axel's bodies change. They begin to look even younger. The Moon Goddess smiles as Fawn's tummy begins to swell into a big round belly. Axel chokes on a gasp as he stares at Fawn.

"You have not gone back in time. I have only made you young. I have turned your bodies back twenty-four years. You will get the life you deserve. Your pup is quite persistent. He was the one who came up with this idea. When he came up to my kingdom he begged for me to make you young again. It took him twenty years to convince me. After I saw your condition, I was on board with the idea. He wanted to come back. So he could get to know his parents. He will remember everything, but he does not have a name. He wanted you to name him. Your pup loves you both very much. He is very smart and brave.

"Eden. I have anonymously led your mate to where you are being held. He is gathering his army to save you. He has no idea about Fawn and Axel or his pup. All you need to do is survive for only a little longer. That is all. I wish you the best of luck. I am always watching over you, my children."

The Moon Goddess floats over to me and kisses my head and tummy. My pup squirms around trying to move closer to the Moon Goddess. She chuckles and presses a hand against my tummy. Her hand and my tummy begin to grow. I see the outline of my squirming pup. I smile.

She makes her way over to Fawn and does the same to him. She kisses Axel's forehead and disappears in a bright beam of white light and golden shimmers.

"Oh, my goddess!" Fawn exclaims. "Oh, Axel! Our pup! Oh, he's back! He's here! Look at us! I am sixteen again! We get a second chance to live our lives and have a family! This is a miracle! I'd never thought this would happen but it did and now,..!" Fawn begins to cry tears of joy.

The chains on our ankles break. Axel jumps from his spot and dashes over to Fawn. He picks up Fawn and twirls him around. Fawn giggles as Axel presses kisses all over Fawn's face and then his belly. Axel cries as well as he comes in full contact with his mate for the first time in years.
They turn to me and walk over to where I sit. Fawn helps me up and pulls me into a hug. We do the best we can trying to hug around our baby bumps.

"It's my mate's pup," I whimper. "I've never felt so relieved in my life. I hope he wants this pup as much as I do."

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