Chapter 20

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I wake up to light pressure on my chest. I also feel a large hand rubbing my belly.

I open my eyes to find that I am on a bed. My chest is bare and I am wearing comfortable loose shorts. My two pups are resting on my chest, both in tiny white onesies.

Zaryn sits next to me, making small circular motions on my now flat tummy. His chest is also bare. He has dark bruises on his chest and over his right eye. Even though he is cut and bruised he is still so handsome.

I choke on a sob as he raises his head and stares into my eyes.

"Hi," Zaryn whispers. "How are you feeling?"

I whimper and try to sit up. There is a slight pain in my lower half. But I can feel that Zaryn had healed my entrance and lip from where I bit down too hard on while pushing.

Zaryn takes our sleeping pups off of my chest and sets them in a nest of blankets on the bed. Zaryn pulls me up into his arms. He holds me close and whispers soothing words into my ear as I cry.

When I calm down I lean up and capture his lips with mine. He kisses me softly and sweetly. I reluctantly pull away to ask him what had happened.

"The rouges are all dead. Your father's pack had appeared and helped us take down the rouges. Only three men have died from our pack. They had mates who had died years ago and had no children. We have honored them by placing their names on the fallen heroes Stone in the pack garden. We have sent more children of warriors to the training camps for future warriors. Most have volunteered to leave with the permitting of their parents. I also sent the boy Caden to the camp because his father was a warrior. He would have been going to the camp soon if he was still in his pack." Zaryn explains.

"No! You can't let him go!" I panic.

"Eden, we have already sent them to the training camp. The boy will be back when he is twenty-two. Because he has no other family he has to stay at the camp. He will be a great warrior. I don't understand why you are-,"

"No Zaryn you don't understand! Caden is Rayne's mate! I don't know how it is possible but they are mates and you can't take mates away from each other!"

"Eden. I know that they are mates. Caden came up to me and requested to go to the training camp. He didn't think that he could be near his mate without telling Rayne who he would be to him. So I sent him to the camp. Rayne and Sage will be sixteen when Caden will be returning. Rayne will meet him when he is old enough to know that he and Caden are mates. We have decided not to tell Rayne about Caden until they can meet in person. Trust me, Eden. This is for the best. They will be hurting if they only will see each other during the holidays. It would be torture for them. They would long for their mate and become depressed. Rayne will not hurt if he doesn't know. He is an omega. He will be weaker than most. This will kill him if he knows that Caden is out there and not be able to see him."

I look over at the twins to find both of them awake. Sage's arms are around Rayne, and Rayne clings to Sage. They both make the most adorable little cooing noises, speaking amongst themselves in their language.

I sigh, knowing that Zaryn is right. It hurt me so much when I was not around him and thought that he didn't care for me.

Zaryn leans over and picks up Rayne. Sage begins to wail as his little brother is taken away from him. I begin to cry as well, feeling my children's pain of being separated. I reach out and hold Sage close to me.

Both our pups stop crying as they are reunited, nestled between my and Zaryn's chests.
"Maybe you are right. Sage and Rayne will be fine together for now. I can tell that Sage will be protective of his little brother. They are already so close." I murmur, stroking Sage's chubby cheek.

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