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So my brother used my shower yesterday. I opened the curtain to start the water, and I saw a ton of short, black hair (my brother's).

I knew right away that it was pubic hair, and it was everywhere. I brought my mom in to ask her how to clean it up.

She called my brother down and told me to go upstairs. Next thing I know, my brother joins me in the kitchen and tells me it's loose hair from his haircut (a lie that my mom confirmed to me).

I go along with it UNTIL I found my razor covered in his hair. I kinda freaked out.

I baggied the razor and gave to it my mom. I told her that I knew she lied. She responded by telling to let it go because he was embarrassed.

I think my mom told him I know the truth, and for a split second I felt guilty.  It's just so awkward and I handled it wrong and it feels weird. So I SOSed my best friend immediately who didn't reply until after I wrote this XD

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