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Dedicated to NiamhtheAwesome2013, ConfuzzledKid, Lisareads, MaeraBlack, Icecaffemocha, SnoopyLoveCollie and Lexie2929. You are all awesomely fantastic. Thank you to anyone who decided to take time to read my short novella. 

The Anual Popicon Music Festival was being held that night. It was a one-night only event and it cost a good bit of money to go. In fact more than a charity event should cost. People were desperate to go because they wanted to see the band. Hot Flames.

They were a rock band who were big in all over the world from Longford. They had been when they were busking in Dublin city when they were on holidays. Now they were signed to a record label and were very popular in Western Europe.

As they had been discovered in Dublin they thought they owed it to them to play there on there tours. So they were willing to do any sort of event when they were in Ireland.

The band consisted of three members. Harvey James was the lead singer and by the far the most popular. All the girls were in love with him. He was tall and had scruffy hair with bronze coloured eyes.

Chuck Wrent was their base and guitar player who was the quiet one of the who didn't say much on or off stage. He was small and awkward but was great when he got playing his base.

Rory Blink was the drummer. Who was loud and aggressive. He hit his drums insanely hard and was breaking them constantly. He was bald by choice and was muscular.

Harvey James was sitting backstage two hours and forty five minutes before the show started playing on his smart phone on a roomy deckchair with a glass of iced tea on a table in front of him. Unlike Rory and Chuck he liked to actually use the fact that he was famous that he could get whatever he wanted when he wanted.

Harvey watched a woman walking by. She worked with stage effects and lighting. Her name was Marie Watson and she was tall and had her hair in a tight, packed bun.

''Hey, err..could get some more iced tea'', he said impatiently.

''I'm sorry sir, I don't work in that area. Karen over there, she does''.

''I don't give one what Karen does. I asked for iced tea and I expect an iced tea''.

''No'', she said and started to walk away. Harvey stood up and grabbed her sleave. It tore in an instant.

''What the hell do you think you're doing you idiot. Do you know how much that shirt cost you inconsiderate little..''

He interrupted her by pulling her close and kissing her softly. ''You know'', he said carelessly, ''it's a lot more private in my room''.

She pushed him away and smacked him hardly and stomped off quickly. He felt his cheek and pulled a small mirror from his pocket. Ouch! It was cherry red.

Rory Blink popped out of nowhere and placed his and on his shoulder.

''No offence dude, but epic fail. Why didn't you stop being such a moron and just asked the drinks lady for an iced tea or something. Not snog the stage effects girl, he said completely rubbing it in.

''So when did you become Mr. Romance?''

''It has nothing to do with romance. It's do with you thinking that because you're a rock star you can do whatever you want. You're going to start making some real enemies if you carry on the way you do man''.

''Hey you listen to me Rory. I will go solo. You know the studio will do anything for me as long as I keep making them money''.

''Hey listen you promised that..''

''I promised nothing dirt bag. I just said I probably wouldn't. But as you know I can be very unpredictable''.

Rory couldn't argue anymore. He'd even seen Harvey talk to their manager about going solo. Their manager didn't mind as long as the recording studio were fine. Also he was doing if for Chuck. Chuck had gone to therapy before the group. He was so nervous and quiet. If Harvey went solo if would completely break him.

''You win'', said Rory pretending to be disgusted with his defeat.

Harvey smirked, satisfied.''Hey can I get an iced tea around here!!''

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