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  The cab stopped outside Rory's apartment building and he walked inside taking the lift to the fifteenth floor. This was the floor with the best yet expensive flats. Unless they got another high paying job they would be moving out soon.

  They were number sixteen down a long, seemingly neverending hallway. When he reached his flat he realised he didn't have his keys and knocked on the door, praying that Chuck was inside. When he heard Chuck calling his name he perked up and waited for the door to open.

  The door swung open and Chuck stood in front of him looking as depressed as ever and stood aside for Rory to get through. Rory focused his mind on the sofa and ran to it, flinging himself onto it and slumped himself into a comfy positon.

  Chuck once again groaned and stalked Rory over to the sofa and sat down in a less dramatic fashion. He grinned, for once, and spoke to Rory.

  ''Well, that girl Marie, she worked at the festival, well she was attacked a few days ago and was in hospital so I decided. She was actually being released that day so we went a got a drink down at a bar and then I invited her to come over to the studio with us''.

  Chuck smirked. ''Awwww.....cute. Has 'wittle Wory' in looooovvvvveeeee?''

  Rory felt like punching him but honestly couldn't be bothered in the slightest. He sighed and soon an idea popped into his head. ''Wanna put on a CD or something? You know to like chill out the mood. Its up to you''.

  ''Sure'', he replied. ''Let's put on our first CD. The one we made before are music was totally pulverised by the label just to please the ''media''.

  ''Yeah funny about that'', said Rory briefly. He watched Chuck strode over to their oversized CD shelf and shoved in their CD player. The first first track was slow and peaceful but the songs soon became louder and more gripping as the CD went on. Eventually they got bored of it and watched some cruddy dramas on TV.

  Chuck eventually checked the time on his phone and realised it was time to head to the studios and pick up and Marie. After telling Rory they left their expensive flat and quickly left the building, hailng a taxi.

 Marie Watson stood outside her house on a large and nice patio. Well, it was nice when the rain from the day before hadn't completely drencehed by the rain the night before. She was waiting for rory Blink to pick her up and show her around Rodeo Studios.

  She'd settled back into her house just the day before but thought she was going to give up stage managing. Not because she had almost been murdered by some psycho with a guitar, well it was partly that, but more because she was tired of being taken for granted by soon to-be murdered rock stars.

 Then again the day before when she met Rory at the hospital she thought he was rather nice and very friendly. Although he thought it was secret, Marie knew for definite that Rory had a big crush on her. She didn't feel almost completely the same way. It was more of a ''friendly friends'' situation to her.

 Suddenly a large green-ish taxi pulled up with Rory Blink sitting in the front an overweight driver and that other lad Chuck sitting uncomfortably in the back seat. Marie quickly dashed towards it hopping in the back.

  Rory turned his head and smiled at her then telling the driver to drive them to Rodeo Records and he quickly drove on turning the corner heading to the directions he had just been given as the passengers quickly had a chat.

 LLoyd Parks quickly strode into the Rodeo Records Studio Building and quickly headed towards the reception telling a receptionist by the name of Linda who looked depressingly sad with a bright pink name tag that didn't match her face that well.

 She told him with a sigh that Florence Hart would be in her office and suggested, no warned, that he should knock before entering. LLoyd Parks crossed to the hallway and hopped up a large, yet narrow staircase and finally reached Miss Hart's office, knocking gingerly on her glass door and quickly entered inside.

 ''Hello Miss Hart you wanted to see me?'', he said looking around at the office walls. He turned his attention towards the desk which had everything a desk should have. A laptop, a set of pens, pencils and lots of other stuff that wasn't needed but looked cool anyway. Yet something was missing. That something was a someone.

 Miss Hart. She wasn't sitting at her desk he looked around and then closed the door which he had forgotten to close. Florence was standing there looming over him with a butcher knife holding it over him and lunged towards him.

  As the taxi pulled up at Rodeo Studios he trio hopped out of the taxi and headed u pa large set of staircases. Rory showed her some of the rooms and she looked inside in awe. Yet it looked sort of normal for a recording studio and not really cool o anything like that.

  ''....and this'', said Rory pointing towards Miss Hart's office, ''is Florence Hart's office. Remember that woman who was there at the Music Festival? Yeah it's hers''. As he was about to continue but he heard screaming coming from her office.

 Chuck twisted his head towards the office and quickly dashed towards the office swinging open the door and saw Florence Hart chasing Lloyd Parks around the room with a large butcher knife in her manicured hand. She stared up grunting at him.

  LLoyd took his oppurtunity and ran out the door screaming and crying quickly dashing down the stairs. Chuck, looking at back at Florence watched her drop the knife, broke down and cried. Marie and Rory entered and watched Chuck call the police.

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