When The Two Met

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First day of orientation at the XXX University, my heart was racing and full of excitement. Since I was away from home, I'll be staying at the dorm.

The founder of the uni gave a boring brief speech, then a sweet melody caught my attention. A band from the music club performing at song on stage. The lead singer with blonde hair, pale skin, sharp jawline, glasses, and seems to be very tall, caught my attention.

Later, we were divided into groups to tour around the campus

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Later, we were divided into groups to tour around the campus. Coincidently, the lead singer was showing our group around.

"What do you think of the campus? Pretty nice, right?" Asking me as he bend lower to match my height.

"Yup. I'm starting to like it here. By the way, your band performance was awesome and you have a unique voice." I replied.

"Thanks. Glad you like it." He smiled blushing a bit. "Oh yeah. Sorry. I forgot to ask your name, beautiful. I'm Jae."

"Lol. It's Yeo Reum [just replace it with your name]."

"Nice name. It means Summer in Korean, right?"

"Yup." I smiled embrassingly. "I'm gonna head back to my dorm. See ya." Waving goodbye to Jae as I was heading back to the dorm.

"Hey. Wait. Could you give me your number? Let get burgers tonight."

"Umm. Haha. Sure thing. See ya tonight then." Gave my number and caught a glimpse of him smiling. *So cute*

=== Later evening at the dorm ===

"Hey, Yeo Reum-ya. " Jae came from behind made me jumped a little. "Oh hey. Let's go." I answered, thinking if he was waiting for me outside for a long time.

Ordered our burgers and sat down. "I'll tell you this is the best burgers ya can get." Seeing him smiling like a happy lil kid.

"So are you taking music course?" I curiously asked and he replied, "Nah. I'm taking political science."

"Woa. You doesn't seem the polical type. Something unexpected of you."

"Haha. Then let's see yours?" He chuckled.

"Accounting course. I know. Boring, right?"

"So it's true what they said about accounting course having a lot of pretty girls."


"Just kidding." He winked.

Then we talked to late night and he walked me back to the dorm.

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