3; Nobody Likes The Opening Band

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Brendon's P.O.V

"Hey B, i heard about this New band, do you wanna like go with me I'm bored as shit" Spencer, my best friend asked me to go to a bar. "Bren its not that far I promise!" "Okay fine I'm coming" I hung up and took a shower, I wanna look good there's people out there a lot?? I don't know its a new band after all nobody really likes an opening band right??

As soon as I'm finish, Spencer is right outside my door. "Hey Brendon, are you ready?" "Yeah, let's go"

"Wow there is a lot of people" I said as I drank my drink. "Yeah, I heard they are pretty big. Yo Bren I'm just gonna go to the toilet Be right back" he left me alone?

"Hey you're here for the band?" This tall and handsome man asked me. "I-i uhh y-yeah" "can i get you a drink?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Oh yeah t-thank you." "Hey, can you give us something good" he said to the bartender. The bartender give us and I drank too fast it hurts. "So I didn't got you're name?" "Oh yeah, its Brendon. Brendon Urie" I said with a shy smile. "What a nice name!" "Thank you, and you?" I asked him while he drank. "Dallon. Dallon Weekes." What a sexy name. " I like it" Spencer is back and gave me a weird look "hmm excuse me mister I believe that you're sitting on my place" Spencer said giving Dallon an annoyed look. "Oh I'm sorry He didn't say that he was taken." "Oh Spencer is just my friend." I said with an awkward smile.  "Oh hahah so you're single then?" He said with a smirk on his face. "Y-yeah" "great, i got to go Bren see you around" and with that he left.

As I sat and got comfortable a man got up to the stage and started introducing the band "hello everyone, please welcome The I don't knows" and with the curtain open and wow I can't believe he is the lead singer, Dallon.

Oh come and see the opening band
Now that you've got your tickets and beverages in hand
They look so tired sound uninspired guitars are second hand
'Cause No one likes an opening band.

Wow he sound so good. He saw me and smiled at me. I can't help but smiled and blushed.

Oh unfamiliar things will make us nervous
But singing here for you gives me a purpose

He sang while pointing at me. I can't stop smiling he's just so ugh...

The song ended and I waited for him to come back and finally he did. I gave a signal to Spencer and he walked away from us and give me a smile and I smiled back at him.

"Hey" Dallon smiled at me."Omg, why didn't you tell me?" "I wanted to surprise you" I can't stop the blush that is forming on my face. "Are you free tomorrow? I wanna take you out on a date" "yes. Im free pick me up anytime you want, here" I took out my phone and I gave him my number. "So.. see ya Tomorrow B"

I hope y'all like this one. Maybe there's going to be a part 2 for this but idk tho
thank you

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