Chapter 4.

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  The next day
  *Jackson's POV*
  When I woke up my head hurt, a lot, like someone smashed my head with a hammer, I couldn't even think straight. I always say it's just one more but it ends up being ten of them.
I don't remember absolutely anything from last night, I hate this feeling. The last thing I remember was hanging out with the boys and Lisa, but for some reason Jinyoung wasn't there and suddenly I'm in my bed not knowing how I got there.
  It was 3pm when I got up from bed, while Jinyoung was on the couch reading a book.
  JY: "How was your night?" he said in a sarcastic tone.
  ME: "Pretty bad actually."
  JY: "That's good."
  ME: "Okay then..."
  I was really confused at that comment. This is a typical thing to Jinyoung to say, but it felt a little diferent, like, he actually ment that.
  ME: "Jinyoung?"
  JY: "Hum?"
  ME: "Did something happened last night?" the younger boy raised an eyebrow.
  JY: "Are you kidding me?"
  ME: "I'm serious!"
  JY: "How do you have the courage to ask something like that?"
  ME: "I swear I don't remember a thing from last night" he placed is book on the couch and got up with a shooked look.
  JY: "Like, everything?"
  ME: "Yes"
  JY: "You don't remember anything?"
  ME: "Yes!"
  JY: "Not even what happened with Lisa?"
  ME: "Wait did something happen to her? Is she okay?"
  JY: "Jacks-"
  ME: "Please tell me that I didn't hurt her?"
  Jinyoung remained in silence, that must mean that something happened to her and apparently it was my fault.
  ME: "Was it that bad?"
  Suddenly Jaebeom entered in the living room and I quickly ran to him.
  ME: "Can you please tell me what happent to Lisa last night?" the despair in my voice was clear as water.
  The older boy gave me a sarcastic smile and looked at Jinyoung.
  JB: "Is this guy serious?"
  Behind me the younger boy shrugged his shoulders.
  ME: "Can someone please tell me what have I done last night? I'm starting to feel guilty and I don't even know what happened."
  JB: "And you should be!"
  ME: "Why?!"
  YG: "Do you want to know why?!" Yugyeom interruped Jaebeom that was about to talk. "I'll tell you what you did, you destroyed Lisa's life, you turned her into a different person, a person who's that night is going to haunt her until the end of her days."
  ME: "What do-"
YG: "The two of had disapear for about 20 minutes so we decided to go look for you and that's when we found the two of you in a room. You were shirtless and Lisa's jeans were off. The two of you were on the bed. You were on top of her. Have get there yet?!"
  ME: "No, no, no, no thats not possible! Guys you can stop now, good prank, now you can stop it it's not funny anymore!"
  JY: "Do you really think that we would joke with something like that?!"
  ME: "I would never EVER do something like that to her, NEVER, and you guys know it better than anyone, even if I was in my worst state possible, which I was, I wouldn't even thought about something like that!" the tears were constantly rolling down my cheeks.
  JB: "We saw it Jackson, every single one of us..."
  I'm a monster. I turned into the thing I hated the most. I can't even imagine what Lisa is feeling right now. How couldn't I remember something like this? I need to see her, eventhough I'm the last person on earth that Lisa wants to see now.
  I just want to go back in time and instead of hurting her I want to tell her that... she's the most important human being for me in this mad world, instead of making her feel fear and insegurance I want to confort her and shower her with love, because thats the only thing she needs right now.
  I don't expect Lisa to forgive me, because I can't forgive myself either, the only thing that I ask her is just one hug, one last hug, after that she'll never see me again...
  *Back to Lisa's POV*
  After one hour of sleep I woke up, still with dry tears in my cheeks. I don't even know how I managed to sleep but I did it somehow.
  I didn't drink last night, but my head hurt like hell and my whole body was still trembling.
  Minah insisted that I would stay at her house and I accepted it, eventhough I wanted to be alone.
  MINAH: "Good morning Lisa! Did you sleep well?"
  ME: "Good morning. Not really, I just slept for one hour." as I was getting out of bed Minah stoped me.
  MINAH: "Where do you think you're going miss? I've already made breakfeast so stay right here and I'll bring it to you."
  ME: "Why are you like this? That wasn't necessary."
  MINAH: "Shut up and accept it."
  ME: "Okay then."
  MINAH: "There you go!"
  ME: "YEY PANCAKES!" You know me to well."
  MINAH: "I know~"
  When we finished eating I went to take a shower while jamming to the music that was playing.
  Music. One of the things that as helped me to go through life. It's such a simple thing but it can help people a lot, I don't know why, but music is the only thing that's left in me.
  After that relaxing time I got onto my phone and saw a message from Yugyeom, which it surprised me, actually:

  Hey there! I hope that you've had a good night😊 Just wanted to know if you're alright and to let you know that if you need something you can count on me ❤

  Hi! I'm not totally fine but I'll get better, thanks for caring so much I really appreciate it ❤

  No need, that's what friends are for.

  Still, thank you so much 😊

  Your welcome ❤

  MINAH: "When are you going out with him?"
  ME: "SHIT! Minah you scared the hell out of me! How long have you been in there?"
  MINAH: "Long enough to know that Yugyeom has a crush on you."
  ME: "No he doesn't, we're just talking, calm down."
  MINAH: "Oh he does. Belive me. The way he was so worried with you last night and now the texts, he obviously as a crush on you."
  ME: "But you know that I'm into Jackson, right?"
  MINAH: "Still after what he has done to you?!"
  I quickly remembered what I've done last night, I was now living in a lie that I've got myself into, and I just had to suck it up.
  MINAH: "Lisa. In my honest opinion, Jackson is a bastard and you should move on... I know it's easier to talk, but Yugyeom can actually be a good choice."
  "But I love Jackson..." I thought to myself.
  I want to be with him. Yugyeom is really cute and sweet, but he isn't Jackson... If I wasn't so stupid maybe I would had a good future with Jackson, but as usual, I messed everything up and now there's nothing I can do about it. My days are count and I don't want anyone arround me to suffer anymore.
  ME: "You're right, but now I don't want to think about it... But let's stop talking about me." I changed the topic as fast as I could "How did things got between you and Jinyoung?"
  MINAH: "I think we are alright I guess..."
  ME: "But do you feel something for him?"
  MINAH: "...maybe..." she blushed.
  MINAH: "Don't get started, I don't even know if he likes me back."
  ME: "That's not a problem, I can ask Jaebeom to know about that."
  MINAH: "NO! Please I'm begging you!"
  ME: "Oh come on, why not? It's better if he knows now."
  MINAH: "But I want to be the one to tell him."
  ME: "Hum hum."
  MINAH: "Please, I'm not kidding."
  ME: "Okay okay, but he has to know so if you don't tell him I will, deal?"
  MINAH: "Yeah fine."
  ME: "Good."
  I'm glad that last night was a good one for Minah and Jinyoung, I really think that they look super cute together. She deserves someone like him in her life.
  *Yugyeom's POV*
  10 minutes earlier
  ME: "I don't know what to do!"
  BB: "Bro, we've been here for about 20 minutes, are you going to do something or not?!"
  ME: "I want to text her..."
  BB: "Then do it."
  ME: "But what if I embarrassed myself?"
  BB: "Then don't do it."
  ME: "But I want to!"
  BB: "Then. Do. It."
  BB: "Then stop being so complicated. If you want to text her just do it and don't think about it to much."
  ME: "Okay I'm gonna do it."
  BB: "That's ma man!"
  ME: "Should I send a heart?"
  BB: "Why not?"
  ME: "Okay done! Wait. What if she doesn't answer?"
  BB: "She will don't worry."
  ME: "How are you so sure?"
  BB: "You're overthinking Yugyeom."
  ME: "Okay maybe I- SHE TEXTED BACK!"
  BB: "See!"
  ME: "I feel so confident right now, maybe I'll even ask her on a date."
  BB: "Wooow, easy boy. It may be to soon don't you think?"
  ME: "I guess you're right. Why do I feel like 16 year old girl that is texting to his crush for the first time while asking for advices at her bestfriend?"
  BB: "Maybe because you are acting like one."
  ME: "Shut up."
  BB: "Don't ask things that you don't want to now the answer to."
  ME: "Touché."

Authour's note:
Hope you enjoyed the long chapter.
See you!~

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