Chapter 12.

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  *Back to Lisa's POV*
  ME: "Thank you so much for the ride!"
  MK: "Where do you think you're going?" he raised an eyebrow.
  ME: "... home?"
  BB: "Not by yourself that's for sure!"
  ME: "Bam, it's okay. I can take care of myself."
  BB: "Let me at least help you healing your wound."
  ME: "If you say so..."
  Bambam and I went inside while the rest of the boys waited for him in the car.
  BB: "This might hurt a little."
  He pressed the wound really hard in order to stop it from bleeding.
  ME: "I need to ask you something, if you don't mind of course."
  BB: "Sure. What is it?"
  ME: "As you are Yugyeom's bestfriend he talks with you about everything."
  BB: "Right."
  ME: "So-"
  BB: "You want to know if he ever talked about you."
  I was preplexed with his quick answer.
  ME: "Well, yes, but I wanted more specifically to know how much he likes me."
  BB: "I don't know exactly how much he likes you, but by the way he talks about you non stop and the way he looks at you, it seems like he's really falling for you."
  ME: "Oh..."
  BB: "Even when I warned him about Jackson he went for it. He isn't the type to give up so easily on what he likes so I guess that he is really into you."
  ME: "Wait, what does Jackson have to do with this?"
  BB: "What do you mean what does he have to do with this?"
  I gave him a confused look.
  BB: "You like him, don't you?"
  ME: "Uhh... how do you know that?"
  Bambam raised an eyebrow and gave me the "are you serious" look.
  ME: "It's kinda obvious, isn't it?"
  BB: "Kinda isn't enough!" he joked.
I giggled nervously.
  BB: "Done." he threw the piece of cotton that he used to heal my wound onto the trash can.
  ME: "Thank you." I smiled.
  BB: "No need." he patted my shoulder. "If you need something just call one of us and we will be here as soon as possible, okay?"
  I nodded in response.
  BB: "I'm gonna go now. Take care!~" he waved and went to the door.
  As the boy made his way to the exit my anxiety was showing up. That horrible feeling of a burden was becoming more intense with every step he gave. The thought of giving up on everything filled up in my brain, and that was the last thing I wanted right now.
  Bambam was rotating the door knob when I shouted.
  ME: "Wait!"
  The boy turned back without saying a word.
  I wanted to talk but nothing came out of my mouth and a tear of frustration rolled down my cheek.
  BB: "Lisa?"
  I couldn't handle anymore. I felled on my knees and broked down in tears.
That wasn't my plan but I couldn't help it. Bambam wasn't a part of my problems, he didn't need to listen to me and I didn't want him to worry about me, he was just there at the moment. Besides, he seemed like a person that would listen, so I just let myself go.
  BB: "Please don't cry." he wiped my tears away with his thumbs.
  For as much contradictory as it seems, that just made me cry even harder, sobbing actually, so in order to calm me down he hugged me.
  BB: "Breath slowly and tell me what happened, I won't leave until you talk to me."
  That was exactly what I wanted, but I couldn't be like that forever so I just calmed down and let everything out.
  ME: "I shouldn't be telling you this but... I used Yugyeom, I played with his feelings. I took advantage of someone who liked me in order to fill the empy spot that was left by Jackson." when I said his name my breathing became heavier and my heart beatted faster. "I trully regret what I did to Yugyeom. I don't expect him to forgive me and I hope he doesn't because I don't deserve him... I'm not gonna lie, I trully enjoy being by his side but I don't love him."
  Bambam made a long pause before talking.
  BB: "It's not your fault that you don't love him and do not force yourself to do so. Yugyeom knew the riscks but he didn't choose to fall for you either. I don't like what you did to him but I know you were just protecting yourself and Yugyeom knew that too."
  ME: "I'm frustrated because I lost two important people to me because of my stupid actions!"
  BB: "Don't say that! What happened with Jackson wasn't your fault!"
  ME: "Yes Bambam... it was..."
He looked at me confused. I was finally going to let it all out, the truth was about to come out, everyone deserves to know, the truth, but when I tried to explain myself my head was dizzy with all the thoughts and emotions combined together, my body was trembling and suddenly, it all went black. The emptyness, the loneliness, the pain... it all went away. I felt nothing.

Author's note:
What do you think the truth is?
See you!~

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