Chapter 8.

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The four of us were in Jinyoung's car. The silence dominated the car until I had the courage to break it.
ME: "So were are we going?"
MINAH: "That's the surprise."
ME: "Yeah right..." and the mood went awkward again, more than it was before.
Suddently, Jinyoung asked the question I wanted to avoid the most.
JY: "So did the two of you had sex?"
MINAH: "Jinyoung!"
JY: "What?"
Yugyeom that was drinking water choked at the sudden question, which made him cough.
ME: "Well, is it that obvious?" my cheeks were getting red.
MINAH: "Lisa!"
ME: "What?"
JY: "So you did?"
Yugyeom was still coughing.
ME: "Y- Yes..." I answered in a lower tone because I was embaressed.
JY: "I see... Yugyeom how do feel for taking her virginity?"
How did he know I was a virgin?! What did that hoe that I call bestfriend told Jinyoung?
MINAH: "Babe, I think that's enough." she was nervous.
JY: "What's the matter? I'm just curious."
YG: "I- I fe- feel good I guess? Was that the right answer?" his stammer made me laugh hard.
JY: "Okay, I won't bother you anymore."
After 10 minutes of driving we finally got to our destination.
ME: "An amusement park!" I exclaimed with pure happiness.
MINAH & JY: "Tada~~" they said while making jazz hands.
MINAH: "I know that you never went to one before and as I am the best friend you could ask for I decided to take you to one, with the help of Jinyoung."
YG: "Why didn't I know about this?"
JY: "If you had spend the night at home you would know."
YG: "Don't know what you're talking about." he scratched his head.
MINAH: "But that's not all!"
ME: "What do you mean that's not all?"
Suddenly 4 boys apperared behind me.
JB, MK, BB & YJ: "SURPRISE!" their screams made me jump from my place.
ME: "I cannot belive you guys are here!"
I looked around and notice that something was off. Someone was missing.
ME: "Where's Jackson?"
Everyone stoped with my question.
JB: "Oh right Jackson... the truth is-"
MINAH: "He didn't want to come."
ME: "Really..."
MINAH: "I'm sorry Lisa." she stroked my shoulder.
ME: "It's okay..."
*Jaebeom's POV*
Why did she lied like that? Lisa is her best friend, she deserves to know the truth.
I grabbed Minah by the arm and pushed her aside.
ME: "What was that for?"
MINAH: "To protect her."
ME: "And you think that lying to her is the best way to do it?"
MINAH: "I'll do whatever it takes to get her away from that bastard."
ME: "How do you know that's what she wants? You should've told her that he wasn't invited, I bet that she wouldn't mind, now she is sad and it's your fault."
MINAH: "Don't you dare to tell me how I should deal with my best friend." she was getting closer to me "You don't know her the way I do. She deserves someone better than Jackson, belive me, I did the right thing."
ME: "If you're so sure then why did she asked about him?"
MINAH: "Look. I know that she still loves him but he is no good for her, she needs to move on." with that she walked away without looking back.
I didn't know how to answer to that and at the same time I know that Minah was out of arguments so I just let her go.
This day was about Lisa and making her happy was the main goal for everybody, so I did something that I might regret later, but it was worth to try, for Lisa... and Jackson...
*Back to Lisa's POV*
I tried to be happy, but it wasn't easy... I said to Minah that I was okay but I lied, to her and to myself. Not even Yugyeom could put a smile on my face as he always did.
I knew that he couldn't forgive me, I understand that, in fact that was my main goal at the beginning, but know I just want him next to me. I miss him. His smile, his jokes, his voice, his touch, his everything... but that day, at the bus stop, he belived in what everyone said to him, he tought that was his fault, but know he didn't want to come... maybe Minah is right, eventhough I still love him, I should forget him and move on, like he did with me...
YG: "Are you listening?"
ME: "Hum... Ah sorry, I was thinking."
YG: "About Jackson?" he asked sadly.
ME: "No, not about him, just random things." I lied.
YG: "Lisa, I'm not stupid. I know that you've never stoped thinking about him as soon as you mentioned his name."
I lowered my head. Yugyeom was right, I couldn't deny that.
YG: "You can't hide the fact that you still love him. I know that you're using me to forget him, but I let you use me because I love you."
My eyes widened at his statement.
YG: "But I finally realized that what I was doing to myself was horrible, we have to stop this before you get hurt."
ME: "Yugyeom-"
YG: "Lastly, I'm sorry that your first time wans't with the one you loved."
My heart broke in thousands of pieces. I had no ideia that he felt like that. I'm nothing but a piece of shit. Yugyeom was right in everything he said. I was struggling with myself and to feel better I played with the feelings of a friend that was always there for the better and the worse. I lost the love of my life and one friend that loved me, all because of my selfish actions.
"Would everyone be better without me?" that thoughts filled my mind, but I quickly brushed them off when I saw Yugyeom walking away and tried to follow his pace.
ME: "Yugyeom wait!"
He continued walking. As I walked faster a familiar voice kept calling my name, but I ignored it. That voice kept on calling me and because I was sick of it I and turned around.
I blinked. It was real. A tear rolled down my cheek when I looked into his eyes.
ME: "Jackson...?"

Author's Note:
Do you think that Minah did the right thing?
What do you think that Jaebeom did that might regret later?
See you!~

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