Chapter 4

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I get home my very much worried nanny sitting on the couch her leg bouncing as she watches Keeping up with the Kardashian's.

I shut the door behind me; that catches her attention, "oh my goodness! Thank God you made it home safely!"

"Yes, all in one piece, I'm fine Dina."

She kisses my cheek before sitting, "come sit, sit! I made your favorite!" I smile as she places a huge plate of vegan tacos in front of me.

I smile, "woman, you know me too well."

"I know that's why I made them."

We both laugh and I realize; vegan tacos are good but I don't get them as often as I like because they take a while to make to get them just the way I like them that could only mean one thing.

"Hey, my parents are supposed to be back today I'm pretty excited."

Her face drops almost a little as if she doesn't want me to see the facial difference in her smile, "they called in earlier today they can't make it today but they promise that they'll be here next week."

I nod smiling tightly, "yeah, okay no problem. You get home safe Dina than you for the tacos." I tried my best not to cry but the tears were coming. I could feel my throat close, as if if I were to talk it would be all high pitched and groggy.

She smiles taking a seat next to me, "how are you feeling?" I turn my face away as I began to let the tears fall. She let me cry on her shoulder and complain about how my parents are such assholes.

We watched a movie before I finally fell asleep. I don't remember how I ended up in a laid position, shoes off, with a pillow and blanket. But when my phone alarm went off with only 30% left, I got up and showered to get ready for school.


I got up to the sound of my late alarm, my wrists, ankle, and muscles soar. I brush my teeth wash my face and shower getting ready for another day of school. I had to wear my sweater even though it was hot out. I didn't want to risk anyone seeing my arms especially Mr. Riggs, he's already on my case and I don't need him finding out about it.

As I limp my way down the stairs checking my phone, I open a text from my mom that read, "early bird catches a ride to school! Your lunch is in the fridge and you may have to walk to school. Just two blocks don't be late! Happy exercise! Love, Mom and Dad."

I sigh grunting, did she forget about my ankle or does she simply not care. Does she think I'm faking it? I groan rubbing my ankle going into the first aid kit to see if I find anything I could wrap my ankle with. Finding nothing I sigh not wanting to go to school but knowing that if I even thought about skipping my parents would be more disappointed in me than they already are.

I get ready taking my time dreading the walk. Once I start my walk to school, I stop multiple times my ankle beginning to swell the searing pain almost masking how soar my muscles are.

I limp the rest of the way to school going straight to the nurses office where they looked at my ankle, "my god what did you do?"

"I tripped."

"When? This looks pretty bad for a recent fall."

I stay quiet. She asks me to take off my sock and shoe and she wraps my ankle giving me a bag of ice, "stay off that foot for the day and you should be fine. I'll have an office aid get your work from you're classes and let the teachers know you're here."

I nod applying the ice pack to my ankle when the aching in my muscles remind me that I've forgotten my lunch at home. Maybe it's for the best.

Mr. Riggs

Right before lunch I decide to call Lucas down from his class to tell him about the plan. I hope he didn't take it the wrong way, I sure hope that if Gaile finds out she doesn't either.

"Mr. Riggs."

"Lucas! I've called you down to discuss your service hours, have a seat."

He takes a seat, putting his book bag in his lap. "So I've been digging around and I've found a way for you to get and hour every school day!"

He smiles, "really?"

I nod, "By 5 months you'll have 50 hours! Does student Gaile Somers come to mind?"

He looks at me oddly, "No is she in my class?"

I shake my head, "no she's a sophomore and Ive chosen you to be her mentor for the year. So I want you to get to know her and get her to join the backstage crew."

He looks at me looking a bit surprised, "Ok? This is really last minute though don't you think?"

I shrug writing something down, "you don't have to, but just know that you'll be making someone else happy and hey, while you're at it you'll be getting those service hours you need, sounds like a win, win to me."

He shrugs while nodding in agreement, "I do need those extra hours."

I nod leaning forward, "So?"

He makes a face shifting in his seat, "I'll do it."

I clap my hands together handing him the paperwork for the club for him and Gaile, "I want you to convince her to join the stage crew with you a few weeks from now."

He nods looking at me worried, "I just hope it all goes well."

I offer a reassuring smile, "what's the worse that can happen?"

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