prologue pt1

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   I had just finished my piano lesson and I was heading back home. The weather was cold, but that was the best kind of weather for me. I loved how the cold breeze would get in my face and make me crave for that hot corner in my room, where I sit and enjoy my hot chocolate and some good content book. I had invited my friend Wendy to join me, but she had dance practice and I knew how much devotion she put into that. I instantly decided to go and surprise her at the dance school, as it was close to my house. I entered the building and I waved at the assistant there, who indicated to me where Wendy's practice floor was. I quickly, but calmly headed upstairs to the third floor. I could hear pop music playing down the hallway. I walked closer to the classroom and there she was, giving her all on the dance floor. She was sweating, but still smiling as if tiredness hadn't met her. I hid so she wouldn't see me. I was standing close at the door's window, enjoying her team dancing. The music stopped and the teacher started giving some corrections to the team. I would wait, until their break as I didn't want to interrupt them. I headed back downstairs to get something to drink from the shop. When I heard someone singing. It caught my ear at how wonderful and peaceful the tone of the voice was. It was coming from the first floor, but I'd feel so embarrassed to start looking for where the voice was coming from. The singer was singing some ballad song, I couldn't help but feel so emotionally touched by that angelic voice. I slowly walked around the first floor, trying to indicate where the owner of that voice was. Suddenly, some kids burst out from one classroom, making me pee my pants. I quickly headed downstairs. The clock was ticking and still, Wendy hadn't come out for her break. I was sitting in the school's cafe enjoying some hot chocolate while studying a little piano theory. But my mind couldn't stop thinking about that voice. I was looking around at all the faces that had entered the cafe from upstairs, but they were all girls. The voice I'd heard belonged to a male. I had lost all hope when a tall masculine guy entered in. Unfortunately, he was wearing a face mask, so I never got to see his face. Shit. Could it be him? "Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!". Wendy shouted and quickly hugged me. "What are you doing here?". She said and smiled. "I thought of surprising you! I didn't have something else to do. How was practice?". I told her and she sat across me. "Well, it was tiring. We sat an extra hour to perfect the choreography. How long have you been here?". She asked me as she drank her orange juice. "I guess, since 7 o' clock". I giggled trying to keep my eyes open. "Aw, poor thing, it's past 10. Please, let's go home. You need to relax". She told me and we headed back to our houses.

   As we were walking I couldn't help but ask her about that voice. "Well, Wendy...I heard some guy singing on the first floor. He had this angelic voice I can't stop thinking about. Who is he?". "Ha! I knew you would love his voice. But, was it Kim Jong-dae or Kim Jong-woon...? I don't know love, we'll find out tomorrow. Are you coming? My dance school is hosting a talent show. I believe everyone will be there, including those charming voices!". She giggled and yawned. We arrived outside Wendy's house. "Thank you for coming today, I love you Y/N". She told me and hugged me tightly. "Love you too, Wendy". I told her and I headed to my house, which was some minutes away from hers. I arrived at home, seeing my mother watching TV. "Hey darling. Where've you been?". She told me, while her eyes wouldn't turn away from the TV. "I was at Wendy's dance lesson. What is there for food?". I asked heading to the kitchen. "I prepared some noodles for you". She told me. I quickly headed upstairs to take a shower. The hot water was streaming down my body, and I couldn't help but bring that angelic voice back in my head. I had to meet him. I lied on my bed, waiting for my body to completely dry. I scrolled down through Instagram. "Y/N! Please, come down". My mother's voice broke me off from my thoughts. "What?". I opened the door and waited for her answer. As I expected, I had to go all the way downstairs for her to tell me what she wanted. "What is it mum?". I said and she indicated me to sit next to her. "Love, I know we don't hang out much but please, don't distance yourself from me. You need to realise that I and dad aren't going to get back together. Don't get mad at me. It's neither my nor dad's fault. That's life". She said to me and softly touched my hair. "It's not that I am mad at you. I still haven't realised what's happened. It's okay, though. Don't worry about me". I said and quickly headed back to my room. The next day, Saturday, I didn't have breakfast with her. I stayed in my bed thinking about last night. I heard a knock on the door. "Darling, are you awake? I've got breakfast for you. Please, open the door. I need to talk to you. It's important". I approached the door and slowly unlocked it. I came face to face with my mother. Did I do something wrong? She entered my room and left my breakfast on my desk and quickly hugged me. "I am so sorry darling. I love you so much. You must never forget that". I didn't say anything. Only the sobbing of my mother crying was echoing in the room. "Well, I have some news for you. You will finally meet my so-called boyfriend. I want you to meet him. He's a really good guy. You're going to love him and he also has a son. A quite handsome one". She said and giggled trying to stop her crying. I hugged her and finally, she gave up and started crying again. "Ssh, it's okay mom. Everything's fine. I am not mad at you. Please, would you?". I told her and I gave her a tissue. "When am I meeting this guy?". I giggled. "What about tonight? I could invite them at home. But, we need to make some fine dinner". She told me and smiled, finally. "Perfect, let's prepare the menu!".

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