Too Young To Be This Old

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My alarm has not sounded. Being awake for 15 minutes makes me uneasy. Opening my eyes is the last thing I want to do. If I do open my eyes, the alarm will instantly ring. My luck tends to swings that way. Did I forget to set it last night? Let me think. No, I definitely set it. Could have been a power outage.

I open my eyes to a dark room with light seeping through a window. My antique clock sitting on a small and worn nightstand I bought in a yard sale a few years ago. The time was 5:47. I sit up on my bed and begin to feel for my sandals.

I keep waking earlier as the days pass. 13 minutes before the alarm goes off this time. I think to myself as I gaze around the room trying to adapt to the environment.

The room becomes clearer as the seconds go by, revealing a small and cramped room containing old objects. A small broken down desk with an outdated laptop and a rustic milk crate I use as a chair, are the only things that would catch any attention in a positive way.

I need to get a new computer. I think to myself as I look down at my swinging feet.

My slippers are not where I last left them, I think to myself as I begin to scan the floor for my missing slippers. Locating them next to the door, I sigh, stretch, get up and walk towards the slippers.

"I should take a shower," I say to myself as I put on my slippers and walk out of my room.

I have a rather small living room containing a couch and television. The windows in the room had drapes, making it difficult to focus in the darkness. However, I had become accustomed to the lack of light. Walking through my living room I head into the bathroom, reach for my towel and close the door. Removing the article of clothing I have on, I place them in my hamper and jump into the shower. After my cold shower, I dry off and brush my teeth. Return to my room I hear my alarm which had gone off five minutes ago. Moving towards the alarm I turn it off receiving an electric shock in the for my efforts. Searching through my drawers I find and put on a t-shirt and buttoned shirt, some black jeans, and black slip-on shoes. Feeling famished, I head over to the kitchen after my ritual for my Breakfast. However, before I could eat I glance over to my clock. Current time was 6:50, my class was starting soon. Deciding to skip breakfast I quickly reach over for my messenger back and run out towards my bus stop.

Waiting for the bus I see Gin walking towards me. He could not be any older than eight or nine but for some reason, I never get the opportunity to ask. An easygoing and charming kid, fun to be around but can be assertive. How I wish I could have half the traits this kid carries. I smile and wave.

"How are you Blue? On your way to school?" Gin asks with a smile

"For the hundredth time, my name is Y/N. Not Blue and yes I am," I exclaim

"You still look blue to me," Gin responds

"What are you talking about I have a smile on," I reply as I point to my wide smile

"I can see it in your eyes they can not lie to me," I lose my smile as Gin continues, "Such a shame, you just turned 19 a few days ago did you not?" Gin asks

"I did not think you would remember," I respond

"Which reminds me I have a gift for you. I will get it to you later today. Oh and good luck on your finals," Gin pats my arm and continues on his way

"Later," I wave to Gin.

I look back towards the street to see the bus arriving. I walk in after paying and find an empty seat, as the bus was no crowd in the morning.

What was Gin doing out so early in the morning? Having forgotten to ask once more, I ponder as I sit and continue with my long commute.

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