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My bus arrives close to my home. I step out and look into the night. It is late and no one is out. Only a few working street lights mildly cast light on the sidewalk. I yawn as I walk home. I think about everything that had happened today and how I wished they transpired differently.

I suppose things just never go the way you would like. I guess I have lost any chance of being more than friends with Esther. Now I have some sort of date with a girl I am not really into. A pushy, manipulative and coquettish person. Not my favorite type. Only three reasons she would want to hang out.  First one, she is going to somehow humiliate me tomorrow. But I am insignificant nobody would care. Number two, she needed access to the restaurants?  For some reason or another?  Stage a heist of some sort. But that place would be wasted talent. It does make money but nothing to risk your freedom over, I don't know. The last is she genuinely likes me. Least likely one. And even if she did, a good-looking girl like that would have no trouble getting someone better. In which case I do not understand her motive let alone sanity, therefore, I cannot trust her. My thoughts quickly race then stop for a few moments.

Why am I so negative? A defense mechanism? am I just making excuses to cancel? Ah, fuck it! I will just go tomorrow and get humiliated. This way it will be fewer things I need to think about. As my thoughts finish I reach my apartment.

My lights were on.

Did I leave my lights on this morning? I think about what I did this morning.

I then reach for my doorknob and turn. The door was not locked.

Did I forget to lock my door this morning? I think to myself for a few moments more as I open my door completely.

Inside I find Gin sleeping on my couch with a bit of drool coming out of the edge of his mouth. I throw my bag at Gin waking him up.

"Wake up!" I exclaim.

Gin wakes up and cleans the drool from his mouth.

"Sup blue," Gin replies as he sits up.

"I did not think you would still be here let alone break into my apartment. Sorry bro but had to do a full shift today. I assumed you would go home after an hour or so. Either way, you better get going. We can talk tomorrow," I instructed Gin.

"It's ok Blue this won't take long. I have a few things to do downtown in a bit anyway," Gin replies while he looks at his cellphone.

I am not even stunned at the things he says anymore. I have known him for about a year now and this kid is so shady. I would not be surprised if he turned out a kingpin, terrorist, secret agent or all three. I have never met his parents or even known where he lives, I should ask him. I think to myself as I begin to ask

"Hey Gi-" I am abruptly cut off by Gin.

"Tada! Happy late birthday buddy!" Gin exclaims as he brings out a box that was hidden on the side of the couch.

"You really did not have to," I  reply as I walk over and take the box.

"Yes, I did. Now open it," Gin states

I smile then sit on the couch. The box was rather big and wrapped with colorful wrapping paper. I begin to rip through the wrapping paper to show a box labeled VLXR.v4. My eyes open as wide as humanly possible.

"I cannot take this. This is like 50 grand," I exclaim

"60 actually. Don't worry about it you know me. You can imagine how I got it," Gin replies then begins to chuckle.

"That's what worries me. If I take this, you will technically own me," I exclaim

"That scenario played out the day we met,  so it's a little late for that. But do not fret, this is not going to change anything," Gin replies as he gets up and starts walking towards the open exit door.

"Gin seriously I can't," I reply

Gin stops at the exit and turns around

"Ok how about this. If you want to pay me back. Playing alone is boring. Schools out so you have all summer to play," Gin proposes

"Games?" I scowl

"Yep games!" Gin replies as he walks out and closes my door.

I stare at my gift for a few minutes.

Well, I suppose I don't need to buy a new computer anymore. Should I  even show up tomorrow? I suppose there is no need. I think to myself.

I then walk to my room and place my gift next to my old laptop. I sigh then walk towards my kitchen.

I am starving. But it is really late. I struggle with my thoughts.

I finally decided to just go to sleep and eat a big breakfast. I close my fridge and go brush my teeth. After brushing I go to my room and strip down to only my boxers. I walk over to my alarm and turn it off, No class or work on the weekend. I jump into bed and close my eyes. I slowly drift to sleep. A few minutes into my sleep a thought wakes me up.

What if Esther showed up tomorrow. I doubt it if Priscilla said it was a date. But what if it was a joke and Priscilla invites Esther. Decisions, Decisions. After a few moments of pondering I decide.

There will be a chance I can see Esther again. I mean it would be rude to break a promise to Priscilla. I ask myself as I fall into slumber

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