Waking up

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~Rianna's P.O.V~

I turned over and rubbed my eyes. I saw an empty bed next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows as yesterday came back to me. I went into the kitchen of my safe room and sure enough Niall and Louis were pigging out on cereal. " Morning." Louis and Niall said in unison before returning to their food. I chuckled before going to the room to change. 10 minutes later I stepped out of the shower to see there was no towel. How embarrassing. "Louis! Stop pigging out and bring me a clean towel!" I shout. "Ugh!Fine!" he shouts back. 2 minutes pass.10 minutes. "What's taking so long!" I snap. "You never said when!" he yells,laughing like a kid. "NOW!" I bellow so loudly, Liam, Harry,and Zayn wake up. "Riannaaa." They whine. Louis comes up a second later with a towel. He hands it to me through the crack in the bathroom door. I catch a glimpse of his pouting face and try to hold in a laugh but fail miserably. " It's not funny!" he says grumpily. "Oh, don't pout." I say through my giggles. He leaves the the room so I can change. I slip into a gray hoodie and a pair of blue jeans with rips at the knees. I put on a little mascara and leave for the kitchen. All the boys are sitting there eating breakfast with Zoey. They're all quiet. Something's wrong. "Hey." I say. They don't do anything. Dang it their giving me the silent treatment! they know I hate it when someone's mad at me! "Guys, what do I have to do to make you not mad at me?" I say. They all huddled then puckered their lips. "Ugh,fine." I say. I walk over but turn their heads and kiss their cheeks. They huddled again but seemed satisfied because they started talking to me again. "Hey, Niall, where'd you get that candy bar?" I ask. "Zoey." he replies, before eating the rest of it in one giant bite. "Where is she anyway?" I ask. "In the living room." Louis says. " She's watching tv." Let me say something. My safe room is more like a second house right under my real one. I head to the living room. "Hey." Zoey says. "Hi." I say back. "I was thinking about going to my room tomorrow to grab weapons." She sat up like a rocket. "What?! You mean go up there?!" she says, pointing at the ceiling. "Yep." I say, popping the p. "How can you be so casual about this?!" she shouts. "OW! Lower your voice woman!" I snap at her. Too late. The boys heard. They came running. "What's wrong?" says Liam. He saw Zoey. "What did you do to her?! did she do anything to you Rianna? are you okay?" he questions. "I'm fine! Zoey didn't do anything! God,talk about over protective!" I say. Ok, time to tell them. I take a deep breath."Guys-"


Heyheyhey! coolcatpoo here! can't catch my crazy!(; sorry I had the urge to write that! haha! see u laters!

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