
15 1 3

Hi guys! sorry its been months since I updated I've just been really busy learning how to horse ride and stuff. YAY! ill leave yall now! bye from coolcatpoo!! (;
~ Louis P.O.V ~

I woke up and yawned. I checked the clock. It said 6:00 a.m. I ran downstairs, remembering it was Saturday, and cartoon day. I grabbed a bowl, spoon, and the junkiest cereal I could find. Turned out to be cocoa marshmallow puffs. I poured in milk and started watching Tom&Jerry.

Liam came downstairs a few minutes later, (probably)sweaty from his early morning workout. He grabbed a bowl and plopped down next to me,pouring cereal in his bowl. He groaned. "Uggh.Tom&Jerry,really?" I stuck my tongue out at him with my eyes screwed shut. He copied me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

I turned my attention back to the screen,where Jerry was snapping Toms fingers in a mouse trap. I laughed. Loudly I might add,resulting in groans from everyone. Except for Zayn,who always sleeps like a log. "Go wake Zayn up." I dismissed Liam, hoping he'd leave me alone. He didn't leave. I pretended I didn't see his scowl and kept on eating.

After he finished eating he left and did who-knows-what. Harry and Niall trudged down hours later. I quickly grabbed my cereal and scarfed it all down before they could take any. Now, what I meant to say was, 'Haha! Now you can't have any!', but it came out more like this. "maja!her md gad ha ajy!" Harry and Niall burst out laughing, and I started laughing which ended up in Harry and Niall chasing me while covered in cereal bits. I ran into my room. I heard a click. I tried to open it. They locked me in! "Rianna!" I yelled. "Why do the rooms have OUTSIDE locks?!" I waited for a response. "Because if the zombies break into one room we can lock them in!" she yelled from her room.

"Come get me out of here! Harry and Niall locked me in!" I yelled.

" Haha!" She yelled. I scowled. Then I remembered that every room had a secret door under the bed in case we were ever locked in with zombies. I grinned evilly. This was gonna be sweet. I took my phone and put the Halloween sounds on 'Zombie'. I played it. "Ahhh!" I fake screamed. I banged on the door. "Zombies! Harry,Niall,Rianna! Somebody HELP!!" I screamed like a little girl.

Finally I heard footsteps. I ran to the trap door while screaming and slid in. I heard Harry,Niall,and Rianna run in. "Hey,where are the zombies and Louis?" I heard Harry ask. I ran to the other end of the secret hall and opened the trapdoor in the hall. I could see them in my room. I tiptoed to the door. I was closing it when it squeaked.

They turned around and saw me. I quickly closed the door and locked it. "Haha!" I laughed. "Now who's laughing!" I heard Harry on the other side of the door.

"Louis Tomlinson open this door right now and there's a chance I won't grind you into a pulp." he threatened.

"Now that's no way to treat the person who's the only one that can get you out of there!" I teased.

"Guys,the trapdoor!" I heard Rianna say. "Oops." she said. I ran into the nearest room and grabbed a huge drawer and layed it on the hall door before they got out. I heard Harry yelling a long stream of cusses from the door. I fake gasped.

"You speak to your mother with that mouth!" I said, then skipped down stairs to the couch. I turned the volume up and continued eating. I heard them yelling. "LIAM! ZAYN! SOMEONE!" I laughed.

"Good luck with Zayn!" I yelled. Harry cussed at me.

"When I get out of here I'm going to wring your neck like a rag, you hear me,Louis!" I laughed.

"I welcome you to try!" Then someone knocked me out. The last thing I saw was Zayn's back retreating.
Heyheyhey! coolcatpoo here! I'd like to thank all the followers I have even if it's not many. keep reading! And I will try to update as much as I can, but I have 3 books I'm working on so I will update randomly anytime. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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