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Disclaimer: This is my original work. All the characters mentioned in the story are purely fictional. All copyrights reserved. Please do not post without permission, thank you. 


Zeus was beyond furious. Calling all the gods, except for Hades, he showed his brothers and sisters of the mess Hades brought upon Earth.

"This was his plan all along." His breathed out and thunder clouds loomed over the once sunny mountain of the gods.

"What shall we do, husband?" Hera, the sister-wife of Zeus put her hand on her husband's shoulder.

"We fight." He whispered.

Just then, Poseidon arrived with his new creations.

"Another creation?" Athena was at a loss. "Hades unleashed his creations and wreaked havoc on Earth. Yet, here you are creating your own!" she shouted at the god of the seas.

"They are created by our most sacred spell," Zeus informed the council of the gods before Poseidon could. "They are immortals."

"No, they are not." Hera closed her eyes to feel the power of these so-called "new immortals" her brother has created. "They do not possess powers and I see death in their future."

"They will die after hundreds of years, or by a fatal blow." Poseidon held his trident. "I blessed them with the blood of a sacred woman; they can defeat the foul human creatures Hades created."

"They will be the guardians of Earth. They shall be known as..." Zeus looked to Poseidon for answers.

"They are Atlantians, for they were born in my kingdom, Atlantis."

"Atlantians," Zeus stood up and raised his hand to the skies. With his bolt of lightning, he continued, "I give you the power of the skies: use the wind to carry you to your destination."

Thunderclouds roared. The Atlantians were gifted with Zeus' power. Lightning struck them, but they did not feel pain.

"I, Hera, the goddess of marriage, women, and childbirth bless you with the strength to withstand even the strength of the strongest beast in the world." Hera picked an Atlantian woman close to her and put her hand on her womb. "I also bestow upon you a fruitful life." The goddess' eyes glowed and all the Atlantian women felt their womb warming up.

"I, Poseidon, bestow you all my powers as the god of the seas, earthquake, storms, and horses. With my power, water shall be your weapon and your defense." The god of the seas bestowed on them weapons and clothing made from the finest materials from the sea and Earth. Their blue eyes glowed for a second and they felt the powers given to them by Poseidon in their veins.

Athena gave them the power of warfare. With the goddess of war's powers, they somehow learned how to fight in an instant. But amongst all the powers they were given, Aphrodite's power was the most important of all.

"I, Aphrodite, the goddess of love bestows upon you the power of love. Use this power to fuel your cause. Love the humans as much as we love them. Protect them at all cost."

The gods and goddesses of Olympus watched as Poseidon's creations became more and more powerful as one god after the next bestow their blessings and powers to them.

"Go!" Poseidon ordered them. "Kill my brother's monsters."

Zeus waved his hand and sent the Atlantians to Earth.

"We have our own mission." Zeus nodded to his brothers, sisters, and children.

One by one, they disappeared into thin air and appeared once again in an inhabited valley.

"Brother, sisters, nephews, and nieces," Hades smirked at them.

"This stops now." Zeus ran towards his youngest brother and attacked with all his strength and power.

"Oops!" Hades guffawed when his brother's lightning hit the earth instead of his body. "Brother, I've killed your son Hermes, the messenger of the gods. I am now a trickster, like him!"

Zeus was enraged. Killing a god has not been done in millions of years.

"You will pay for that!" Poseidon protected the other gods while he unleashed the full force of the ocean to the valley.

Swallowing the Earth, the water unveiled Hades' location.

"Surrender now!" Poseidon ordered him.

"Never!" with a snap of his fingers, humans appeared out of nowhere.

"Poseidon, the water!" Athena shouted at Poseidon and he immediately stopped the water from hurting the people.

"These women carry my children." Hera was disgusted.

There were hundreds of women who appeared out of nowhere. Clearly, they were forced by her brother.

"You will stop at nothing, brother." She spat on the ground. "

"NO!" Hades retreated to his realm.

The gods were now left with the pregnant women.

"What are we going to do about them?" Hera helped one woman who was shouting. "She is going into labor." She announced.

One by one, they witnessed as the women's stomach ripped from the inside.

"The cursed ones." Zeus murmured to himself.

"They will all die!" Hera was helpless. Even as a powerful goddess, there was nothing she could do.

One by one, the women gave birth to creatures that appeared human, but with scales on their back and eyes like a serpent's.

"AH!" Althea was jolted awake from her nightmare.

"WHAT! WHAT HAPPENED?" a woman with brunette hair wearing familiar purple silk pajamas ran to the room with a baseball bat.

The woman looked around the room and found her best friend sitting up the bed.

"Ossa! What are you doing here?" Althea sleepily asked.

"I thought someone was raping you!" she sighed in relief and put the baseball bat down.

"I was sleeping and I had a nightmare! But..." she stood up. "Again, what are you doing in my house, wearing my silk pajamas."

"Your house was near the club I went to. I used the passcode." Ossa guiltily gave her a smile and a peace sign.

"I knew that giving you my passcode was a mistake." Althea sighed in defeat and hung her head low. "Come on, let's go back to sleep."

Ossa nodded and walked out of the bedroom yawning.

"What the hell was that dream? Greek gods, Atlantis, and... dragons?" she shook her head and turned the lights off.

"Althea, you've officially lost your mind." 

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