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Disclaimer: This is my original work. All the characters mentioned in the story are purely fictional. All copyrights reserved. Please do not post without permission, thank you.

Author's Note:

Some pronunciation to keep in mind:

1. Hellas- Hellas is pronounced the way it is spelled. It is also modern-day Greece

2. Ariea is pronounced Araya


Poseidon watched from his kingdom as Hades unleashed his creatures from the depths of the underworld.

Each foul monster was given names by Hades,  much to the disgust of Poseidon.

"Give them a chance, brother." He heard Zeus from the skies. It was a warning. Zeus knew his brother too well.

"Brother, I hope you know what you are doing," Poseidon answered and returned to his underwater kingdom, where he devised a plan on stopping Hades before it was too late.

Humans were slaughtered. Hades' creatures killed them one by one without mercy. Limbs and blood dyed the once brown Earth. Children screaming, mother crying, and still, the gods did not do anything.

Days turned into months, and yet humanity was not close to working with each other to defeat the monsters.

"Brother, the situation is getting out of hand." Zeus sighed and faced his younger brother.

"Tell me, brother..." he paused. "When you give humanity an earthquake, do many of them die?"

"It's inevitable."

"When you give them floods, they die as well. The end justifies the means. They need to work together, so they may live!" Zeus roared.

Poseidon defeated, ran at the edge of Mt. Olympus and dove into the depths of his kingdom

He was close to creating his warriors. Soon, humanity will be saved without another blood spilled.

Another year passed, humans started to come together. More clans formed and civilizations started to work with other kingdoms. With the help of one another, humans could kill creatures with their numbers.

"See, brother? It works! Humans are finally working together." Hades boasted.

"But at what cost? They have dwindled in numbers." Poseidon tightened his grip on his trident.

"Brother, they killed more of their kind before my monsters came into the picture. Do not blame it on them!" Hades raised his voice.

"ENOUGH!" Zeus shouted in a thunderous voice. Both brothers stopped and bowed their heads at their older brother.

"Poseidon, to ease your mind, it is time for us to go back to Earth. Our children have died many moons ago. It is time for us to give them guardians to protect them." Zeus announced.

"This is your plan? To procreate with humans during this time?" Poseidon furrowed his eyebrows together and scoffed. "Brother, you are not thinking straight! Of all the days, you want to have sex with humans; you thought that today is the right time for it?"

"You have overstepped your bounds, brother." Zeus sternly looked at the god of the seas. "Are you questioning my authority?"

"Brother, we must kill these creatures."

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