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Our story stars off in Hell, well technically Hell, the technical name is Tartarus but it's mostly known as Hell, people often refer to Hades Realm of the underworld as Hell but it's not, this story stars off in Hell not 'hell'

Anyways, as previously stated, our story stars in Hell where a man sitting in a Giant throne resides, this man is Known as Perseus, but is more commonly referred to as 'The Devil' or simply 'Satan' sometimes 'Lucifer', but his true, realm name is Perseus, he is the King of Hell aka Tartarus.

Perseus was around about 20 foot tall in his godly form, about 6'6 when in mortal form, he had windblown, pitch black hair that light seemed to all around avoid, his facial features were angelic, that of a fallen Angel, his eyes were a glowing, blood red that radiated death and promised pain, contrary to popular belief, the devil isn't red and Has horns, no Perseus is surprisingly perfectly tanned, like he was had been sunbathing. Again Perseus didn't have horns, or fangs, or even a tail, but since he is popularly thought of to look like that he can shift his form to his Christian aspect.

His Christian aspect is basically how people think of the devil, he is the same height on both Godly, or Demonicly in this case, and mortal height, the difference is he was giant red Ram horns, a forked tounge, giant bat like wings, a long tail with a spike on the end, and is completely Red, Perseus doesn't like using his Christian Aspect, only using it of to inspire fear.

Anyways, even in his normal form he can grown his horns, his tail and his wings. Perseus generally uses a sword Instead of a pitchfork or trident like object. He is obiously known as the devil so that must describe his personality perfectly, evil, misleading, greedy the usual, except that is a completely wrong, Perseus is know as the devil for a reason, the devil is the torturer of evil souls, the whole rumour about him being greedy and the like was completely wrong, he wasn't greedy or lustful, he was kind to most and cruel to the others.

Of course with him being the devil and all the popular beliefs he had taken upon such powers from his stories, for example he was known as a deciver, thus he could lie to even the God of truth and he woidlnt be caught, he could persuade people and temp them to do things they wouldn't want to do, much like Charmspeak except alot more powerful, he named it 'The Devils Tounge' a power only he or any of his children would have, he is known as a their and is the best their is, second best to only Hermes the God of Thieves himself, he is also known as a murderer, which for Perseus is semi true, since he is a God he is bound by some ancient laws, not all, but some, he sends his demons to take care of the really nasty souls, and tortures them, so yes he is a murderer, finally he is known as a distorter, he can distort and change anything he wishes, he changed the world, distorting love into multiple things, homosexuality was his idea, no matter how much Aphrodite claims she was the cause, pornography was him aswell, hey, he's the devil, who wants to sleep with Satan, give him a break.

Their is one power that Perseus has with being The Distorter, (btw got this from a website thingy so don't blame me) he could counterfeit anything, a website in the mortal world specifically states; For example, the counterfeit of the gift of prophecy is occult divination; psychics, fortune-tellers, astrologers, and false prophets are operating in a demonic spirit that mimics the true gift of prophecy. Basically he can manipulate prophecies, he can create fake prophecies and things similar, changing peoples fortune and future.

Now, on to Perseus as a whole, who is Perseus? Well he prefers going by Percy, but nobody calls him that, it's either Lucifer, King, Lord and sometimes Master, anyways, the history of Percy? Would you like to Know? Yes? Ok, I'll tell you.

Perseus was born a Greek God, as previously stated, he was the Eldest Child of the Titan King Kronos, and his Wife, the Queen Rhea, he was the first born Child, the strongest and deadliest. Yes I know shocked, I know, I know, their are only 6 original Olympians, well hold your horses I'll get to that.

Anyways, unlike his siblings Perseus was not ate By Kronos, his aura was similar to a titans, but Kronos could tell the difference, he hoped that if he raised this sin he could become powerful. Perseus never knew his siblings, until the day that Rhea told him about Zeus, Perseus didn't understand why his sibling wanted war with the King until Rhea explained, Perseus wasn't happy with his Father and agreed to help Rhea and Zeus, the rest was history. The only difference is Kronos' death.

Kronos died to the Blades of Perseus, When Perseus and his siblings ventured to Tartarus, he had twin blades forged, The blades of Perseus, the had the same effect of his father's Scythe, they tore apart souls from mortals and gave unbearable pain for immortals, but unlike Kronos, who's Scythe gave him better control over time, Perseus swords could change how much pain is gave to his enemies, making it so one stroke could bring them down to their knees.

Finally, Perseus stood infrount of his father and they fought for hours, before Perseus got the upperhand, slighing his father's hands straight of, Perseus then proceeded to slice his father to prices and lock his Brian into a small coffin.

Eventually the fates came to give the Gods their domains. The elder sister, Hestia, gaining the domains of Hearth, Hope and family, His middle Sister Demeter gaining the domains of Agriculture, Sacred Law, Fertility and the Harvest, his Youngest sister gaining, Marriage, Home and Family.

His eldest brother, Hadesn gaining the domain of Riches and the Underworld His second eldest Brother Poseidon gaining the domains of the Seas, Storms, Droughts, Floods and earthquakes, and finally his Youngest sibling being pronounced the Kong of the Gods, and gaining the domain of the Sky, Honour, Justice, Rain and Lighting.

When his domains were given, his family, all except the Eldest Brother and sister, Hades and Hestia respectively,  sentenced him to Tartarus, where Perseus met a fading Lord of the Pit, after becoming the Puts heir and then king, he changed the world, before coming to be known as the devil, completely forgotten by the Greek minds.

What were Perseus domains? You my ask, I shall inform you.

Perseus, the Eldest Olympian, First Son of Kronos and Rhea, The Devil, Satan, The Deciver, The Tempter, The Thief, The Murderer, The Distorter.

Greek God of Pain, Punishment, Torture, Monsters, Deals, Compultion, Orders, Curses, Flaws and Tartarus aka Hell.

Yes, he is the King of Hell, aka the Pit, or Tartarus, it is his domain, in which he inherited after the fading of Lord Tartarus, he has as much control over the Pit as the Primordial himself did.

He also has a Roman form from when he entered Rome, the Christian Patheon may have been founded in ancient Rome/Jerusalem, but he was still a God giving him a Roman aspect, his Roman form is 'Diabolus' which means The Devil In Latin.

Diabolus, was alot like Perseus, except that his eyes were flaming instead of a solid blood red, but the rest were the same, his domains and Godly nature.

Anyways, his domains were what sent him to the Pit, and that is where our story begins, in this Gods home, and he is not pleased

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