Chapter 2

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Perseus sighed, his anger receding, you can't exactly blame him, one of the Lords of Hell betrayed him because of orders from the fates that they knew they didn't have to follow, then the fates practically demand that it was fated to happen... bitches..

Perseus, again, sighed thinking about how he was going to explain this to the king. He walked back to his throne and slumped down, he could just say the truth and the fates demanded it, or he could try make up a lie, standing up he started to prepare to flash out, when a knock on the door stopped him

"My Lord, we have a guest." One of the servant demons said

"Send them In." The doors opened and in flew a monster that Perseus barely recognised, it was Alecto.

"Perseus" the fury greeted, and once reciving the scariest glare the fury had ever seen, quickly corrected herself "L-Lord Perseus"

"Alecto, what is it?" He replied

"Lord Hades has a request." She waited for Perseus to answer, or protest but he simply motioned her to continue "he has two children, their basically being hunted by Olympus, he wanted help in retrieving them"

Perseus thought about it, he liked his brother, he understood what Percy went through although to a lesser scale, he also stayed in contact with him. All in all Perseus liked his brother.

"Where are they?"

Alecto sighed in relief "In Maine, a school called Westover Hall."

"All right I'll leave right away. I shall call you when I have them."

With that Perseus flicked his wrist and the fury was out of his home, Percy sighed once again, summoning his wings, before flashing out to Maine.


When Percy arrived at the school, two children were being held hostage by a manticore, a Saytr was lying on the ground, and two boys and a girl, possibly demigods who were sent by Olympus, were panting.

Perseus walked forward towards the manticore, ignoring the demigods for now

"Manticore" Perseus called out sweetly, drawing the manticore attention, said monster went wide eyed, and paled "what did I tell you last time manticore, return home, now"

The manticore dropped the children and tried to run, only for a massive hole to appear beneath him, ending him to one of The holding cells in Tartarus.

When that was finally over, a hunting horn rang, alerting Perseus that his niece was arriving. On que, about 15 girls all dressed in silver appered put of the forest. The one who Perseus knew was Artemis, looked at her uncle in surprise

"L-L-Lucifer?" She said, stuttering, oh yeah, I should mention that, he introduces himself to all of the Gods, but not as Perseus, normally Lucifer, to remind them of his presence

"W-what are you d-doing here, Y-You don't belong to this p-patheon" Artemis stuttered, while the mortals looked on confused.

Perseus started walking towards the Goddess, when he was close her hunters drew their bows.

"Artemis, if you don't want your hunters hurt, tell them to drop their bows"

"DROP THEM" Artemis shouted imediently, most listened, apart from one who let the arrow loose.

Perseus batted away the arrow, turning his eyes to the girl, who dropped to the ground in indescribably pain

"Please Lucifer let her go, she didn't know better. Please" Artemis pleaded after 5 minutes of Torture

Perseus looked to his neice, sighing, before dropping his control over the girl

"Only because your my favourite neice, but do not presume to do so again."

Perseus, turned to the unknown children of Hades, walking to the two children who felt oddly comfortable in his presence

"S-Stop Right their!" The boy, who looked suspiciously like his brother Poseidon saod "Y-your interfering on official Olympian Buisness, you have no right" he said gaining an air of arrogance

Perseus looked at the boy, his eyes erupting into Hell fire, making the demigods jump back "Boy" he called, mockingly "I am the Devil, Luicfer himself, who are you to demand of me. If you were my child and acted as such I would have given you straight to Mazikeen until you begged for forgiveness, move before you anger the King of Hell"

The boy stood his ground, flocking slightly, but didn't move, his aura once again gaining a cocky and arrogant nature "I am Orion Jameson, Son of Poseidon, some silly devil doesn't scare me"

Perseus had enough of the foolish boy, letting his aura loose, the world shook, the King of Hell summoned his sacred animal, his symbol of Power and revealed His Christian Form.

Perseus stood in front of the demigods, flying off the ground slightly, his wings fully stretched, his eyes burning, his tail swishing back and forth behind him. The demigods took a shuddering step back, fear emanating from them, they made a path for the God who floated towards the two demigods

"Your father's wishes to meet you, I doubt I shall see you again, but for now, you have the luck of the devil." A silver light passed from the God to the twins, basically securing them safe travels to their father's realm.

He turned back into his Greek form, his feet touching the ground and the earth stopped it's decent into the Apocolypse, he started making his way to the arrogant son of Poseidon, who was scrambling back in fear, the God, not one for patience, grabbed the shaking boy and looked into his eyes, forcing the boy to see all of the horrors of the world

"If you presume to seek against me again I shall throw you into a chamber and let any and all demons and monsters feast upon you, everyday you shall return to life and each day you shall die.  Just because my idiotic brother presumed to break his idiotic oath preventing children does not mean I have any regards towards you."

In his anger Percy forgot that he hadn't mentioned ever being forced into oath or being Greek at all. The only people who knew were the underworld deities, deities from other Patheons who he can trust, and the original Olympians.

"L-lucifer" Artemis stuttered, bringing his terrifying gaze towards her "m-my father's wants to meet you now"

Perseus made his way to his neice, this time all her hunt backing away, while the demigods behind him fell to the ground from pure terror.

"My neice, it'll be my pleasure" his voice was deep and alluring but all could hear the hatred in his voice.

The Gods flashed away in a pure silver flash and pitch black flames respectively

Once all was clear all was silent until one voice was heard "fucking hell"

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