Chapter 1

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As previously said Percy was sat in his throne in Hell, he had been told by one of his Demon servants that his Father Kronos, had escaped. Percy knew his father couldn't escape on his own, so one of his servants had done it, but that led the question, only four of his servants have access to the torture room of Kronos. His four Leuitenant, all of which were kneeling before him, shaking at his aura.

"Astaroth, Asmodeus, Azazel, Leviathen" Perseus, called out the names of his Leuitenants, his voice, deep rich and smooth, but the four seconds in front of him knew that what was to come promised pain.

"M-my L-Lord" Azazel managed out, hoping to quell his lords anger.

"Apparently one of my prisoners have escaped, any idea who?" Perseus asked In a sweet voice, making his subjects even more scared, Leviathen spoke out

"W-who m-my L-Lord?"

Perseus turned towards the demons and fixed a heated glare upon them, making them all flinch at their masters rage.

"KRONOS YOU WORTHLESS PEST!" Perseus shouted at the demon, at the top of his lungs, making the whole of Tartarus shake, at his rage, the demons had to control themselves less they be killed for being to weak. "WHICH OF YOU DID IT!? HAVE YOU ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!"

The demons reeled back in shock at the blame they were getting by their Lord, Azazel had spoke forth this time, seemingly more sacred than before.

"M-my Lord, t-tge f-fates told me t-to r-release him, something about a p-prophecy" he said quietly, the sudden coldness that entered the air, scaring the demons even more.

Now I should mention this, as part of being the heir of Tartarus, and since he faded, King of Tartarus, he is a primordial  God, and the fates hold no sway over any type of primordial God, so Perseus was pissed at the proclamation.

"FATES!" The God screamed at the top of his lungs, all the monsters in the vicinity, turning into fine gold dust at his rage power. "SHOW YOURSELVES NOW!"

His power had shown itself in his rage, the fates, almost warily, flashed I to the thrine room of Hell, looking at the God in apprehension, they had fear iver this God, more than any other deity, even if he had not Inherited the Primordial Gods power the Fates would still fear him, they had changed his fate and the others for eternity, and then stole one of his possessions.

"Fates" Perseus growled, his aura choking his Demon Leuitenants, killing and the. Reforming them in a never ending cycle of death "you have some nerve, goddesses, demanding my subjects release a prisoner of my kingdom"

The fates, shook out of their aphrehention, putting in a stoic mask "it was gate, my Lord it had to happen" they replied in unison, making Perseus even more mad.

"LISTEN TO ME MORAI!"His rage getting the better of him, he cared not for their fate, he was above them in power, and he loathed the triplet goddesses, his rage had consumed him, and it was all directed to the fates. Eventually he spoke, his voice rich with Power and anger "I am Perseus, God of Curses, King of Hell, I curse you fates, you shall feel every death, even pain, even emotion and feeling of every single person's string you weave, every time somebody dies you feel equal pain, every injury someone sustained you shall feel, every emotion you shall feel. I curse you fates, you shall never escape my curse less I release you, you shall not be allowed the saftey of fading, nor shall you be able to die, you shall only fell pain. Never, and I mean never fates, demand of MY subjects, to do against MY will in MY domain, next time you shall be lucky to leave with just a curse!"

His cursing finished his power dropped, His 4 demons on the floor finally allowed to live, while the fates sat in shock, pain rippled through their bodies, immense pain, they had keeled over and were looking at Percy in silent pleas of help, he slowly walked to wards the fates from his throne, standing beige their pain filled bodies.

"You made a deal with the devil, fates, and you broke your word, you shall have no help from me!" The God flicked his hand, banishing the fates from his home, he silently turned towards the demons, growling at Azazel, he once again shouted "Mazikeen!" Said demon appered in the thrine room, looking at her Lord, he pointed at Azazel and sent her a demonic smile, sending ripples of pleasure through her body, she knew that smile, she gets to torture a Leuitenant.

She silently dragged a screaming Azazel out of the thrine room, the rest of the demons let out sighs of relief

"Go" he warned the demons "before I change my mind and have you all held with Azazel."

The demons quickly flew out the thrine room, leaving a pissed off God, who just knew he would have to tell his Youngest brother Zeus.

Hey, do you guys think I should have this around the time Thalia is born and when he heads to the mortal world he falls in love and Has a child, or should o set this during the titans curse like I Origionally planned. I feel like he should have a Demigod child. What do you guys think?

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