Chapter 3

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Third Person's POV

While BTS and Twice are having a fun conversation with each other, Jungkook went behind Tzuyu and tapped her shoulder.

"Annyeong" Jungkook whispered and Tzuyu was shocked and looked behind her.

"Annyeong sunbaenim" Tzuyu said and bowed at him. Jungkook bows back as well.

"Sunbaenim is too formal. Call me Jungkook oppa instead." Jungkook said and smiled.

"O-okay Jungkook o-oppa" Tzuyu said and smiled.

"I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. I should be looking to where I wa--" Tzuyu was cutted off when Jungkook said something.

"You already apologized yesterday. One apology is enough. Besides, it's just a bump." Jungkook said and Tzuyu blushed.

Well, Tzuyu has a crush on Jungkook eversince there rookie days. She bought all the albums and has a lot of posters at home. She even has a lightstick of BTS.

She also has jewelry which has 'ARMY' written in it and 7 rings which has BTS members names in it. She also went twice in their fan meet.

"So, how's life being an idol?" Jungkook asked Tzuyu.

"Doing great. But it's kind a far from what I was expecting." Tzuyu said and she sighed.

"I know. Being an idol is hard. But you'll get used to it." Jungkook said.

"Oppa? What did you feel when you debuted as a group?" Tzuyu asked Jungkook with a questioned look.

"It feels good to debut but were also pressured. We wanted to do our best and hope that something good will happen in the future." Jungkook said and he chuckled.

"I bet there is" Tzuyu said and they both laughed.

Tzuyu POV

"I'm hungry. Let's grab some lunch." Nayeon unnie said.

"We know a great place where we can have lunch" Hobi sunbae said.

"Is it a public place? We might get caught." Momo unnie asked.

"The restaurant is behind the BigHit building. Let's wear something in disguise so no one will notice us." Jin sunbae said.

"What if we split into small groups? That way it will be more easier to not be noticed." Mina unnie said.

"Good idea." Jin sunbae said and we all split into small groups.

I'm with Dahyun unnie, Sana unnie, Jungkook oppa, Jimin oppa and Taehyung oppa.

Nayeon unnie is with Jeongyeon unnie, Jihyo unnie, Namjoon oppa and Jin oppa

Momo unnie is with Chaeyoung unnie, Mina unnie, Hobi oppa and Suga oppa.

"Here. Wear this." Jungkook oppa said and handed me his cap and sunglasses.

"How about you?" I asked.

"I brought my beanie and extra sunglasses." He said.

"Thank you oppa." I said and he just smiled.

We went to the restaurant which they said that its behind the BigHit building.

The restaurant is big and has a look of a traditional house inside. It looks beautiful.

"Annyeong noona!" BTS greeted a lady maybe in her 30s or 40s.

"Oh! You're here. Nice seeing you again Bangtan!" She said and smiled.

"Eomma, is someone using the big private room?" Suga oppa asked. Eomma? So this restaurant belongs to Suga oppa's family.

"Anio. Wait, and who are these pretty ladies?" She asked and we all removed the glasses and caps were wearing.

"Omo! It's Twice! Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Suga's eomma. I'm a big fan of your group." She said and we all laughed.

"Annyeonghaseyo" We all greeted and bowed at her.

"Suga, you can eat in the bigger private room. Some saesang fans might caught you." She said and we just bowed at her and we went to the room.

"You family owns this restaurant?" Nayeon unnie asked Suga oppa.

"Ne. I helped eomma, it was her dream to have a restaurant" Suga oppa said.

"Such a good son" Jin hyung said and we all laughed.

After a few minutes, three people started bringing food. Daebak! It's too many!

"Isn't this too much? I mean--" Jihyo unnie said then Namjoon oppa cutted her off by saying.

"Don't worry, it's free." Namjoon hyung said and were all shocked.

"Are you serious about that? This is too much food." I said. I kind a feel guilty though.

"It's okay. Noona said its her gift since we won Best Artist Award." Jungkook said and he smiled.

1 hour had gone by and we're still here having a fun conversation.

"Tzuyu, can I talk to you for a while outside?" Jungkook oppa whispered and I just nodded.

"Unnie, we'll go outside for a while." I told Nayeon unnie.

"Make sure to wear something in disguise." Nayeon noona said and I just nodded.

Jungkook oppa handed me his cap and sunglasses and we both went outside.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I said and he suddenly looked nervous.

"Jungkook oppa? You okay?" I asked and touched his forehead to check if he's sick. He looked at me and I hurriedly removed my hand.

Gosh Tzuyu, he's your sunbaenim.

"I-I just wanted to get you know b-better... can I get your number?" He said nervously. M-my number?

"Don't worry, I just wanted to be friends." He said and smiled showing his adorable bunny teeth.

"What if we get caught?" I asked. We're idols, once we're caught rumours are everywhere.

"We'll keep it as a secret" he said and I chuckled at his statement.

I gave him my number and we both went back inside like nothing happened.

*kring kring

Jihyo: Annyeonghaseyo?

JYP: Jihyo, your manager told me you're not in your dorm. Where are you?

"Guys shussh!" Jihyo unnie said. "It's JYP" she whispered. She put it on loudspeaker so everyone can hear.
Everyone is silent.

Jihyo: We just went out to eat JYPnim.

JYP: Any bodyguards with you?

Jihyo: Were perfectly fine JYPnim. We'll go back to the dorm as soon as possible.

JYP: Take care. Make sure to wear something in disguise.

Jihyo: Ne JYPnim. We'll get going!

(End of conversation)

"Whew! That was close!" Jihyo unnie said.

"We better get going" Jeongyeon unnie said.

"Nice meeting you again Twice" Namjoon oppa said and we all bowed to each other.

"Thank you for the food noona!" We all said and we went on our separate ways.


So lame,

I know.......


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