Chapter 2

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J K Rowling owns all characters in the Harry Potter series.


Chapter 2

3 Years Later . . .

“’Mione?” Ron called.

“Yes Ron?” Hermione answered, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the small table.

“Where’s Kiely?” Ron asked.

“Out with her uncles for the day.” Hermione replied. “Bill wanted to take Kiely and Victoire for ice-cream and in the end Charlie wanted to go and Harry was taking Teddy for ice-cream as well. Fred and George only went because the shop was closed.”

“So Fred is there?” Ron asked.

Hermione nodded. “Yes Ronald. Fred is there.”

“So Kiely’s out with her uncles and her father for the day, isn’t she?” Ron asked demurely.

Hermione froze but quickly regained her composure. “What on earth are you talking about Ronald?” She asked, with a small chuckle.

“Do NOT act innocent with me Hermione!” Ron thundered. “You were never going to tell me, were you?!” He asked. “You were going to have me pay for schoolbooks and clothes for your child,” Ron grimaced. “Until you finally thought it worth telling me!” He shouted.

“Ron I had reasons for keeping it to myself. Harry was the only one who knew.” Hermione spoke tearfully.

“Reasons like what?!” Ron demanded.

“Like the fact that at the time I found out I was pregnant, I honestly thought she was yours and when I found out she wasn’t Fred and I were both in stable relationships. Fred was with Abigail and you and I were engaged.”

“So you mean to tell me that the child I’ve paid out for and raised as my own for the last five years isn’t my own at all but a child drunkenly conceived by my wife and my brother!” He shouted.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Hermione whispered. “By not telling anyone I was doing what was best for my daughter as well as you and Fred.”

“Well now I’m giving you a choice.” Ron said. “You can either give her to her father, an orphanage or anyone who isn’t me and you and I can continue our marriage with no memory of the child –”

“How am I supposed to part with my daughter and then go on like nothing happened?!” Hermione shouted.

“Do NOT interrupt me.” Ron said harshly. “Now let me continue. You can either give her away and you and I can live happily ever after or you can keep your child and get out of my house!” He shouted.

Hermione nodded. She had made her decision.

“I love you Ron.” She said and Ron’s expression softened.  “But I love my daughter more. And I’m doing what’s best for her.”

Ron nodded. “Fine! I’m going out and when I return I want no trace of you or her in my house!”

He nodded curtly before leaving the room and slamming the front door.

“Accio trunk and suitcase!” Hermione called for she had not the energy no the will to leave the room and collect these items.

“Accio Hermione’s possessions!” She called and everything inside the house that she possessed flew into her large trunk.

After the trunk was locked tightly and inside her car she went back into the house.

“Accio Kiely’s possessions!” She called and all Kiely’s things flew into the suitcase.

After all their belongings were safely stowed in the trunk of her car, Hermione took one last look at the house and decided to write a short note to Ron, apologizing.


I know what has happened has hurt you. It has hurt me too and although I know it is my fault, I wish you would give me a chance to explain.

Sadly, you will not and so I will leave you. You will never hear of me after this but I just wanted to tell you how extremely sorry I am.

Love Always,



:O What will happen to Kiely and Hermione now?

Thanks for reading!


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