Chapter 12

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J K Rowling owns all characters in the Harry Potter series.


Chapter 12

*9 Months Later*

Hermione’s POV

“I’m so excited!” Angelina squeals.

“Me too Ange. I can’t wait to meet my baby.” I say.

“When’re you due anyway?” She asks.

“Any day now.” I say.

“Ginny had her baby two weeks ago. I thought you were due before her?”

I shake my head. “Gabrielle was.”

“And now they have a daughter. What’s her name anyways?” Ange asks.

“Molly said it was Emilie.” I say thoughtfully.

“What’re you naming yours?” Ange asks.

“Rose if it’s a girl and Hugo is a boy.” I say.

“Rose and Hugo. They’re beautiful names.” She says.

I smile. “Roses are mine and Fred’s favourite flowers and Hugo wrote one of my favourite books.”

“Which book?” Ange asks.

“The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” I say.

“Wasn’t his first name Victor?”

I shrug. “Maybe.”

*  *  *

*2 Weeks Later*

“Oh my God.” I breathe.

I manage to get to the top of the stairs.

“Fred!” I call.

He comes running out of the spare room.

“What’s wrong?” He asks.

“Baby?” I say questioningly.

Alarm registers on his face. “I’m taking Kiely to George’s. I’ll be back soon.”

I nod.

*  *  *

Fred is back within five minutes and we apparated to the Burrow. Molly was there and she knew exactly why we were there.

*  *  *

Two hours later, we have a daughter, Rose Katherine Weasley.

“I’ll go get Kiely.” Fred says.

I smile. “Bring Ange and George as well.” I say.

Fred nods and disapparates.

Congratulations dear.” Molly says.

I smile. “Thank you.”

She nods. “That’s everyone for a while I hope.”

I smile. “When was Ron and Gabrielle’s daughter born?”

“Last week. Her name is Emilie. And I suppose you’ve already been to visit Harry and Ginny and little Albus?”

I nod. “Last week.”

At that moment, I hear the crack of an apparition and Kiely comes running into the room.

“Kiely Joanne Weasley! I told you not to run!” Fred shouts, coming after her.

“Sowy Daddy.” Kiely says.

Fred nods. “Listen next time.”

Kiely nods and walks slowly over to me.

“Baby?” She asks.

I smile. “Sister.”

“What’s her name?” Kiely asks.

“Rose.” I say.

“What’s her middle name Mummy?” Kiely asks.

“Katherine.” I say. “Rose Katherine Weasley.”

“She’s pwetty Mummy.” Kiely says.

“She’s very pretty Kiel. Just like you.” I say.

She nods. “Uncle George and Aunty Ange are downstairs.”

I smile. “You want to call them?”

She nods and runs out of the door.

“Walk!” Fred says.

The footsteps immediately slow down and I laugh.

George and Ange come up a couple of minutes later with Kiely walking extremely slow in front of them.

“We would’ve been here sooner but Kiely walks slowly.” George says.

“Daddy told me to.” Kiely says, pointing at Fred.

I laugh and Ange comes running over.

“Walk Aunty Ange.” Kiely says.

“Kiely!” Fred scolds.

Ange laughs. “Sorry Kiel. I’ll remember next time.”

I smile and Ange looks down at Rose.

“She’s beautiful Hermione.”

I smile. “You want to hold her?”

Ange nods eagerly and I hand Rose to her.

“Congrats little sister.” George says, hugging me.

I smile. “Thanks George.”

He smiles.

Fred sits beside me and I nudge him. He looks at me and nods.

“So we were just wondering if you’d like to be her Godparents.” He says casually.

“I’d be honoured brother!” George says.

I laugh.

“So would I.” Says Ange.

I smile.



Hope you liked it!

I won't be updating now until Saturday or Sunday because I'm going on a short holidays with my grandparents.

Thanks for reading!


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