•<Chapter 2>•

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Harriet's POV..

The compartment door opened and Ron came in. He looked at (Y/N), but didn't notice me.

"Did you see Harriet? I can't find her." said Ron.

"Uh.. she's just right here." replied (Y/N). She looked out at the window and just stared.

"Oh uh, okay. Thank you." said Ron. "Hey, Harriet.. can we talk for a minute. In private."

We both looked at (Y/N), not minding that we were staring at her. In a few seconds, she noticed that we were looking at her.

"Oh, um. I'm just gonna go to my.. othER friend's compartment. Have fun you two!" She said while winking. After that, she mouthed me 'Go Harriet!'.

Then she walked out. I was very irritated at her at that time. Ron sat down at the other side and just stared at the window.

"So, what are you gonna tell me?" said I.

"I was.. won- wondering if you'd like to go out with me.." he said while blushing madly. That took me by surprise so I just looked at him, my mouth gaping. "Um, it would be fine if you'd just say no." he said while standing up to leave.

"No! I mean yes to your question, but don't leave!" I said, reaching out to him.

"Okay." he said while smiling. There was awkward silence after that so I had to talk.

"So, you like me?" said I, wondering why the hell would he like me..

"Uh.. yes." he said reluctantly, pretending to scratch the back of his head. I noticed his Prefect badge and he noticed me looking at it. He blushed with embarrassment. I started to asked him about it.

"You're a Prefect?" I asked raising me eyebrow slightly.

"Yes, Hermione is a Prefect too!" said he with excitement.

"That's nice.." said I trailing off. I continued the conversation from awhile ago. "And I thought you like Hermione?"

"Oh, that was before." said he. "I just found out that you liked me because of Hermione. So, are we together now or do we- uh.."

I cut him off by kissing him on the lips. He took a second to respond to it and he licked my bottom lip for the entrance to my mouth. I resisted for a bit but then I gave in. I put my hands around his neck and kissed for a few moments. But someone opened the door and we pulled away. It was (Y/N).

Your POV (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

After they forced me out of our compartment, I asked people where Harry and Hermione are staying. I actually wondered why they didn't owl me this summer. Welp, I'll just ask them. I looked into every single one of the compartments except this last one infront of me. I took a deep breath and slid the compartment door to the side. I saw Harry, Ginny, Neville and a girl. The girl beside the window looked up, she had dirty-blonde hair and eyes that always give her a surprised look. She was reading a magazine upside-down named 'The Quibbler'. They greeted me, after that I started to sit down opposite to the girl.

"(Y/N) this is Luna Lovegood, Luna this is (Y/N)." said Ginny happily. We eyed each other and smiled. We shook hands and she got back reading her own magazine.

"Hey, Harry can we talk for a bit. Outside." said I, not wanting them to hear what I have to say. I stood up and slid the door open, Harry followed me and slid the door closed.

"So, what are we gonna talk about?" asked Harry.

"You tell me. You didn't owl me! I didnt know what's going on and you, Ron, and Hermione didn't even owl me. I watched the Muggle news and looked for strange things to happen but there weren't any-" I said, rambling angrily.

"Okay, okay, stop. I'll tell you about it. Ron and Hermione didn't owl me too. I became mad and they told me that there is this secret society called 'Order of the Phoenix' that Dumbledore is in charge of. And Voldemort-" I winced at the mention of that name. "-came back. The OOTP's temporary headquarters for now is in my Uncle Sirius' house. There, that's it. Oh wait, Cornelius Fudge doesn't believe that Voldemort" and winced again."-came back and Percy became Fudge's assistant. So Mr. Weasley got in a row with him that ended up they're ignoring each other and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley cried just at the sound of his name. Oh wait.." said Harry while panting. "Just... wait." he breathed in sharply and exhaled. "Phew.. okay. Before that all happened, I saw dementors near Magnolia Crescent and then I casted my Patronum and they got away. Would you even know that Mrs. Figg is a witch? Well, not really. She's a squib, someone who is bor-"

"I know what a squib means, Harry." said I being annoyed at him. "Just get on with it."

"Okay, fine. Then, I got a hearing with Cornelius Fudge. I thought that I'm going to be expe-", Harry trailed off and looked behind me.

"Going to be what?" I asked, crossing my arms

"Oh.. hello, Harry." said a nervous voice. "Um.. bad time?"

I turned around to face the person who talked to Harry. The voice was Cho Chang, the Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team.

"Oh, hi." said Harry blankly.

"Um.." said Cho. "Well.. just thought I'd say hello... 'bye then.

She was rather pink in the face as she departed. Harry groaned.

"Care to tell me what happened next?" I asked, not caring to asked why he groaned.

"I.. uh, forgot. Can we talk later?" said Harry blankly.

"Fine, then." I said.

I slid the door open and saw Neville holding a quill and a small, gray cactus that is covered in.. boils.

The compartment was covered in thick, stinking, dark-green liquid. Or was it slime? Either of the two, it was still disgusting.

Luna's magazine was able to cover her face from the slime. Ginny was able to cover her face but her hat was splattered on, her hat merely looked like it was just a slimy green hat. Neville had it worst, as he had been the one who popped it, seeing the quill in his hands. He shook his head to get the slime out of his eyes.

I laughed at their expressions and said, "Goodbye, then!"

After I got out, I slid the door closed. I walked back to our compartment. When I came back to our compartment, I saw Ron and Harriet kissing.

"Ohh, I knew it Harriet! You'll end up with each other." I said while laughing because of their expressions. Ron and Harriet pulled away and was blushing madly.

"It- it's not what you think it is." said Harriet while still blushing like crazy.

"Yes, it is. We're dating." said Ron while pulling her to his side and hugging her tightly as if someone was trying to break them apart.

Okay, that is soo long. Its like 1,200 words! Thank you for reading this and don't forget to vote and comment! See ya next time, dudes and dudettes. (Whatever, I'm still calling you guys that, as if I have many readers.. (ヽ( ´¬')ノ)

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