Chapter 28

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We'd been sitting in this waiting room for a long ass time. I swear I never seen that much blood in my life, that shit looked sickening. Right now the shit was fucking with me because my brother was back there fighting for his life, literally and it wasn't shit I could do about it. Candice wasn't at the hospital with us she had to get checked out too but by Rita. Since she wasn't surverly hurt.

"The family of Tommy Fletcher?"

My head shot up as my dad stood to his feet. We all walked over to the doctor ready for him to speak. He stood in front of us in white scrubs, holding a clipboard in his hand.

"Right now there is no progress, he's still unconscious. We got the bleeding to stop but the bullet is still in his head. To remove the bullet we'd have to do surgery which may land him in a coma for how ever long.

"Can we see him at least?" My dad asked. The doctor looked unsure at first  "um yes, but only 2 at time and don't be too loud"

After everybody went back and seen him me and my dad decided to staybthe night. I sat in the chair that was on the side of his bedside and my dad lounged on the small couch. I sat back in the seat taking a look at Tommy. Then I did something I rarely do, I prayed.

I walked in the house and went straight for the bathroom. I wanted nothing more but to take a long hot shower.

I came out the bathroom with some gym shorts and a white tank top on.  Nayomi was woke now and I could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't too happy to see me.

"Where you coming from?" She asked walking over to me.

"The hospital" I answered truthfully.

She smacked her lips and gave me that nigga please look. Right now I could give a rat's ass if she ain't believe. I stood at my dresser looking for my stash of weed, I ain't need shit right now but a blunt.

"Hospital my ass, Cam I'm not dumb you know? I may be young but I know if a man comes home and gets straight in the shower he was doing something he had no business"

I completely ignored her, I grabbed a magazine before sitting on the bed. I start breaking the weed down as she kept on going.

"I don't know who you think you are but you not gonna be playing with me and my feelings. You probably just think I'm some in home pussy, huh?"

I squinted my eyes looking up at her "What the fuck is you talking about?"

She now stood in front of me "you was over at the girl house wasn't you?"

I began rolling my blunt "Yo, sit down somewhere you really working my nerves" I was being dead ass with her. I hated when females got to acting all crazy and worrying about the next bitch. Especially when it wasn't even no next bitch.

"Yeah you got me messed up, take me the fuck home" she said going over to her bag. I lit the blunt just watching her, I took 3 hard pulls from it before exhaling the smoke.

"I wasn't at no bitch house, sit the fuck down"

"I WaSn't aT nO BiTch hoUsE SiT tHe fuCk DowN" she mocked me in a high pitch voice.

"I was at the hospital, my brother got shot in the fucking head! Either you believe me or not, that's on yo ass" I said with every ounce of seriousness in my voice. She stop putting stuff in her bag and came back over to me.

"You forreal?"

I smacked my lips before hitting the blunt "Nah I'm just bullshitting"

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