Slapped with Truth

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Yay I didn't take super long! (Confetti shower) Thanks for the comments and everything! It makes me happpppppyyyyyy :D

3RD Person:

_______ was frozen on the spot. The possibility of her dying was great at this moment.

Her mouth was hanging open, but nothing came out. She wanted to scream but there was no air in her lungs to do so.

A long period of silence and staring, but it was soon broken when Slender grabbed _______ and flung her onto a wall. ______ didn't excpect him to do it so suddenly and it only terrified her more. "AUGH!" ______ coughed out. The impact was hard, and she felt like her whole back was broken.

"Slender you're going to kill her!" BEN could only watch as Slender pushed his dear. friend onto the walls. 'I'm so useless.' He thought hopelessly.

______ stared at BEN weakly, wanting him to fight back for her, even if it didn't do anything. 'So I'm gonna die like this...' She closed her eyes as she coughed in pain once more.

Slender was killing her slowly just to anger BEN, and he knew that. Bringing a human to his own mansion, what do you think will happen?

"You promised me that if I killed one of her parents, you wouldn't hurt her!" BEN suddenly bursted out.

Slenderman came to a sudden stop and stared at BEN with his blank face. ______ was left dangling in the air. "This is the girl?" He asked in a deep voice. BEN nodded slowly, forgetting that _____ was even here.

Slender layed a badly bruised _____ on BEN's bed, making her sit up. She was conciousq, listening.

"Then I will stay with our deal. I will harm her no further." Slender glanced at _____ and left, leaving BEN and _____ in the room.

"Whew. Good thing I reminded him..." BEN mumbled to himself.

His eyes widened with realization. He said that infront of _______. And she heard it. All of it.

His head slowly turned to ______, who was sitting with her head down, hair covering her face. "_____?" He asked nervously.

"You did what to my dad?" She muttered. "I-I had to-" He tried to reason. He was screwed now.

"Why? All this time... Mom said that he was on a trip... How long was that trip?" She was laughing a bit now, but crying at the same time.

"A TRIP THAT'S GONNA LAST FOREVER!" _____ screamed in anger. BEN didn't know what to say. He wanted to be happy, knowing that ______ was safe, but now he was hurting her. Hurting her heart...

BEN tried to rub her back, but she slapped his hand away and looked at him with hatred clouding her eyes. "______ I'm sorry but I had to. Slender was going to kill you so I killed your father in your place." He explained, not wanting her to hate him.

"I would rather die for him!" ______ stormed out of his room and out of the mansion. "_______!" BEN called out desperately.

______ ignored him. She ran. Ran anywhere her legs would take her.

The pain from Slenderman flinging her onto the walls like a ragdoll was gone now. The pain transferred into her heart.

Tears clouded her vison. She was running blindly and she could trip or hit anything.

At this moment, she didn't care what would happen. Her world crashed down the moment she heard the news. She wanted to run as far as she can. To get away from the mansion. From BEN...

She needed to think.

All of a sudden, she tripped over a root on the ground. She shrieked as she scraped her knee over a few pebbles on the ground.

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