5 - How much do you love him?

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Hoseok looked around the playground, panting as he ran from one side to another, with no luck of seeing his best friend.

"Minnie!" he shouted once again.

He listened carefully through the children's chatter and laughter, hoping to hear the latter's voice. Unfortunately, Hoseok was left with no sound nor sight of Jimin. He pouted, looking down at the piece of paper he was clutching in his hands.

It was a drawing he made during recess. A picture of him and Jimin holding hands with a large heart around them and the words "i love you" at the bottom od the paper. He wanted it to be a present for his Jiminie, but now he couldn't even find him.

He grew worried as there was no sign of his crush, and it was truly unusual for them to not be together as they were all the time.

He went up to his teacher to ask of she had seen 'his Minnie' anywhere, to which the lady responded with a small smile and a shake of her head.

"Maybe he went to the bathroom" she said.

Hoseok thought for a bit.

There is no way Jimin would go to the bathroom without asking Hoseok if he needed to go as well.

He pouted and decided to just sit down at one of the tables in the classroom and wait.

And really, a few moments later Jimin came in holding two pieces of bread.

Hoseok smiled and stood up from the desk, knocking the chair backwards.

"Minnie!" he shouted.

Jimin smiled and ran towards him. "Hobi guess what!"

Hoseok extended his hand, pushing the drawing he made in front of Jimin. Jimin looked at it and then back up at Hoseok.

"It's for you!" Hoseok smiled.

Jimin returned the smile and took the drawing "thank you Hobi!"

Hoseok smiled proudly, but then his smile vanished as a girl in a pink skirt suddenly appeared next to Jimin.

Jimin looked at her and took her hand in his.

"Hobi, I want you to meet someone!" Jimin introduced.

Hoseok smiled back, an unknown feeling suddenly forming in the pit of his stomach as he glanced down at their intertwined hands.

"Nice to meet you" this Nayeon girl squeaked out with her annoying girly voice. She extended her free hand and Hoseok hesitatingly shook it.

"I'm Nayeon, Jimin's girlfriend."

And with those words, Hoseok felt a pang inside his chest. He slowly gripped the place where his heart was and tried to smile.

"And who are you?" the girl asked.

"I'm Hoseok," he said and then looked at Jimin "Jimin's friend."

"Best friend" Jimin corrected.

Hoseok smiled, but the pain in his chest became unbearable. He excused himself and ran to one of the teachers.

And that was how Jimin got his first relationship, and Hoseok got his first heartbreak.



"Hello, this is Mrs. Kim speaking, it this Jung Hyesoo?"

"Yes, this is she."

"I'm calling about your son, Jung Hoseok. He says he doesn't feel good and that his chest hurts. Is it possible for you to come pick him up?"

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