10 - Be a good friend

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He grabs his phone and turns on his Bluetooth, connecting it with the speakers that belonged to the practice room he was currently in. His thumb hoovers over numerous songs while his eyes scan each title. Finally he finds the one he's been looking for.

He taps the screen and sets his phone down before he waltzes to the centre of the room. With a slight spin on his heels he faces the large mirror in front of him and closes his eyes, waiting for the singer of the song to start singing.

When he hears the calm voice of James Arthur he opens his eyes and sways his shoulders while moving his head to the side. He trails the tips of his toes on right leg across the floor in shape of an almost finished circle and then moves to his side.

He suddenly loses his focus on what he's doing, not even able to comprehend which part of his body he's moving. He completely loses himself in the music he's hearing until the music violently stops.

His eyes pop open and he quickly looks around the phone.

"I see you're starting without me" he hears a voice say and there he sees Jimin in one of the corners with his phone in his hand.

Hoseok scoffs and rolls his eyes at the floor "you were taking your sweet ass time and I didn't want to bother you."

Jimin sees the way the elder is avoiding his gaze and furrows his eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

Hoseok sighs, as if he was annoyed by something.

"I'm fine, let's just get this thing over with."

In reality; he wasn't okay. His mind was still racing around the thought of Jimin and Jungkook going to the dance together, and as much as it hurt him, he couldn't bring himself to say it.

Jimin pouts "look, if you're not in the mood to teach me I'll just--"

"No!" Hoseok suddenly shouts surprising both, Jimin and himself.

He clears his throat, now speaking at appropriate volume "no, it's okay, sorry for acting like this."

"You know you can talk to me about what's bothering you, right?"

"I'm just dealing with some stuff right now, sorry, can we just start dancing please?"

Jimin looks down, upset at the fact that his best friend is keeping things from him, but he knew that if he kept pushing him, he would end up making him even more annoyed.

"Alright" Jimin mumbles and sets his backpack on the floor next to Hoseok's.

He watches as Hoseok fiddles with his phone for a bit until he sets it down and walks over to Jimin.

"Alright, let's start with the footwork. It's really simple, after we're done with that we'll go over it with music and then we'll work on the hands" Hoseok says and positions himself in front of the mirror next to Jimin.

"Start with your right leg and take a step forward" he instructs and Jimin nods. At first he watches Hoseok take a step forward before doing so himself.

Hoseok chuckles silently, laughing at Jimin's adorable focused expression.

"Alright, now bring the other foot forward as well, but not right next to the right one."

Jimin does as told.

"Now bring them together, then take a step back with your left leg" Hoseok does as he says, watching Jimin follow along "and now bring the other foot back."

Last Dance // j.hs + p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now