14 - Why did you kiss me?

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Hoseok nervously taps his finger nails on the steering wheel, still trying to comprehend what is about to happen.

He's about to confess to his crush for the nth time, though this time he's gonna do it in a way the latter will understand.

So here he is, sitting in an expensive Lamborghini he stole with Namjoon, in front of McDonald's; Jimin's workplace. 

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, opening them back up at the time as he slowly released the large intake of air.

He should be out any minute now...

He looks at the mirror above him and fixes his hair a bit, but then he quickly messes it back up realising how stupid he must look.

He keeps repeating Namjoon's words of encouragement in his head as he runs his hand down the front of his face, trying to calm down.

He looks down at the small pocket-sized James that was missing only a bit of it's consistency. He is about to reach out for it but soon shakes his head, knowing that he needs to be sober for this so he doesn't say or do anything dumb.

The time seems to go slower than usual. Hoseok bounces his leg uncomfortably, for a second considering chickening out once again, but his thoughts come to an abrupt stop when he sees a familiar figure exit through the back door of the building.

His head is covered with a hood, but his visible body proportions make Hoseok recognise him immediately.

He watches as his crush swings his bag over his shoulder and takes out his phone and earphones.

Hoseok panics.




He honks.

The boy jumps in surprise of a sudden loud noise. He lifts his head up, looking around, his eyes landing on the luxury vehicle. He squints his eyes, trying to see who was sitting inside.

Hoseok sighs.

He then pressures a smile on his face and opens the cars door, making the lights inside to turn on. 

Jimin's jaw falls upon seeing his best friend sitting inside. He looks around before making his way closer.

Hoseok closes the door and jerks his head to his right, gesturing Jimin to get in at the passenger's side.

Jimin walks over to the side of the car painfully slow, making Hoseok's heart wreck with nervousness.

From the inside of the car he watches as Jimin reaches his hand out and opens the door.

Jimin looks inside, his eyes still wide in amazement as he climbs inside and shuts the door behind him when he's settled in the seat.

"What... the fuck?" he asks, breathlessly, as he continues looking around the car.

"How was work?" Hoseok chuckles, trying to seem as relaxed as possible.

Jimin brushes his fingertips along random parts of the car, his mouth left hanging open as he is unable to respond.

He then looks at Hoseok, who was still staring at him, looking as if he was waiting for his question to be answered when in reality he was observing the latter's beauty, noticing how his hair is a bit messier; meaning there was a lot of costumers today as well.

"H-how did you get this?" Jimin asks.

Hoseok smirks and shrugs his shoulders teasingly "oh you know..."

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