The Past Revealed

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"I did"

We all turned aroud to find the owner of the voice only to find empty space. Arya sighed. She then spoke a long word which I then instantly forgot no matter how hard I tryed to concentrate I couldn't remeber it. Once Arya was finished a woman was revealed in front of us.

"Isonia." Arya sighed once again, "I should have known you would be here."

"I'm sorry my queen but I couldn't help myself." Isonia said staring at me.

"Isonia please you may talk after but please leave us. Wait outside the doors." Arya commanded.

"Yes, my queen." Isonia seemed hesitant to leave but followed command and left.

"Sorry for the interuption, please continue." Arya said looking back at us.

"Thats basically it queen. Elna killed herself which allowed Fang to kill the shade." Yeld said.

"Well if that is all Yeld please go get Isonia please." Arya asked.

"Ahh Queen Arya I need to talk to you alone please. It's very important." I said looking down.

"Alright Yeld and Rodic please leave us for a few minutes please." Arya commanded.

"Yes, queen." Yeld said leading Rodic out of the greenhouse to the door Isonia left through.

"Now, Fang what is it that you need to talk to me about?" Arya asked sitting down on a bench motioning me to do the same.

"When fighting the shade I used magic but from Yeld told me I did something that should have left me on the verge of blacking out but I didn't. I used the word for lighting on the arrow I fired that peirced the heart of the shade but after I felt exactly the same." I explained. "I was wondering if you would know anything about this?"

Arya brought her hand to her chin in thought. "So what you're saying is after you cast the spell you didn't feel any energy leave your body?" she asked her eyebrows furrowed.

"I felt a slight drain but not enough to be really important." I told her. She suddenly stood up.

"Please follow me there is something I need to show you. I will tell Yeld to take the others to my throne room were we will meet them when the both of us are done."

I obediently stood and followed her outside the castle to a large oak tree. She pressed her plam to the stump of the tree and whispered a phrase in the Ancient Language. The stump shimmered then a door rolled down revealing a spiral staircase descending in to the ground below the tree. Arya walked inside and I followed the door closed behind us leaving us in darkness. Arya spoke again and a ball of light appeared and hovered over her shoulder following her down.

"Our races secerets are hidden down here." Arya spoke, "Only the queen and her most trusted friends are allowed down here. It's a great honor for anyone outside our race to be down here. I'm taking you to were we keep our profices of our race is kept. I believe you are part of one." Arya explained to me. "Here."

She opened the door to reveal a large empty room with orbs of light all around the walls. On the far back wall there were several carvings of people and animals. None of it made since to me. Arya motioned me to follow her to a section of a wall that looked like a familly tree. Two people were on the top with lines conneting them to a person below them. Then below the person were lines conneting to him that depicked him in battles.

"This is what I wanted you to see. It shows a young man born from a male human and a female elf. His boy born has devistating magic power, he is born a master of magic. However his power should deplete just like a normal magician." She put her hand back up to her chin in thought.

"If I am the boy in this proficy then maybe my powers were magnified from me being a rider." I tell her.

"That may be right." she replayed.

"Yes, Arya what did you need of me." I turned around to see a old looking elven woman looking at us.

"Ah, yes Cora I need you to help me see if this young man is in fact the Magicblood." Arya said turning.

"Ok, come here young man. Let me have a look at you." she motioned for me to come forward. She grabbed my head moving it to get a good look at it. "Tell me boy, when you were little did you have hair whiter then snow?"

I just looked at her wide eyed, "Yeah, how did you know?"

"I'm as old as the Menoa tree herself, so with that age comes wisdom and knowledge. Plus I foresaw that proficy of the Magicblood. From what I can tell, and from going off his appearance, he is the magicblood so far. He needs to be tested, mostly in magic but also in archery for the magicblood is an expert in ranged battle."

"Thank you Cora. That will be all." Cora gave a quick nod before leaving the room.

Arya turned to face me and spoke, "Fang, I need you to swear to me in the Ancient Language to keep this all a secret for now. I will test you tomorrow but for now don't tell anyone of this today."

"Ok Queen Arya but you will have to assist me with the words I'm sorta new to this language."

"Please just call me Arya. I honestly hate being called Queen but the others insiste upon calling me that. And as for the oath it goes as follows..." Arya said several words in the Ancient Language and I repeated it untill Arya was satissifed.

"Good please follow me back to my throne room I need to talk with you and Rodic about your Rider training." We both walked out of the room and continued up the corridor up to the suffice where Arya closed the tree again with magic. Once sealed we continued back to her throne room meeting Rodic, Yeld, and Isonia all waiting.

"Queen now my I have my I say my part." Isonia asked as soon as she saw us enter the great room.

"Isonia please you have waited several years a few more minutes won't make much of a difference." Arya turned to myself and Rodic, "We will start your training tomorrow with seperate trainers, Rodic you will be with Yeld learning to strengthen the body, and Fang you will be with me learning to strengthen the mind. We will switch trainers each day and bring your dragons with you each day untill they are old enough to fly in which case they will then learn with my dragon Firnen. I'll have someonw assist you to your room, Fang, when you are ready. Yeld if you will show Rodic to were he will be staying that will be all."

Arya walked out of the room followed by Yeld leading Rodic out with Garjzla following at his heels. Isonia walked into my feild of view staring at Istalri who was laying across my shoulders staring right back at her.

"His scales are magnificent. His scales are even more bright red then Thorn's and I would know I was at the Great War."

"Thank you. His name is Istalri." I replayed hearing my dragons hum of approval from the compliments.

"A fitting name indeed. How was your father when you left? I'm guessing he didn't show any emotion as you left."

"You're correct but you say it as if you expect it?"

"Yes, I know your father really well in fact."

"How if I may ask."

"You're my child, I am your mother."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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