Brothers Forever

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At midday we stop to rest and eat. I wanted to take a walk around the near by woods but the elves refused to let me leave the camp site. Why can't I go for a walk. It's not like someone is going to kidnap me for kill me. Right? Maybe they know something I don't. "Hey Elna are there people still out there that want to kill the riders and stop them from reforming?"

"Sadly yes there is. Why the sudden curiosity?" she asked though I could tell she knew why I did ask.

"I was just wondering why you guys wouldn't let me go explore the near by woods and thought maybe there was some kind of danger that was directed towards me. Thats all."

"You're bored aren't you. How about you come practice some sword technics with the rest of us?" she asked

"Do you have an archery range? I'm more of a range fighter and its been a while since I have had the time to practice."

"We can make some targets real quick if you want and we brought some bows with us."

"Thank you that would be great." I followed her to where the some elves had already set up some targets on some tree stumps. An elf woman came up to me and gave me the most graceful and powerful looking bow I have ever seen in my life, with it was also a quiver with wicked looking arrows.I stood back ten yards from the targets, nocked my and arrow and fired. Dead center. This brought a smile to my face. I had expected to miss on my first shot with me not shooting for years and with this new bow.

I shot a few more arrows before going to retieve them. When I turned around I noticed Rodic was next to my shooting position firing at the other target less accuratly then me. This brought an even bigger smile to my face. This was how it was when we were kids, he was better at hand to hand combat, our wrestling matches, and sword fights. While I was Always on top when it came to firing a bow or slingshot.

"How do you do it Fang? Years with out picking up a bow and yet your still deadly accurate." Rodic came up behind me claiming his arrows.

"I don't know it just feels right when I have a bow in my hands. I could ask you the same question with your sword fighting ability." I answered.

"It's the same with me when I have a sword in my hand." he said looking at me.

"Come on I'll help you with your shooting."


We walk back  and Rodic nockes his arrow and gets into position. Right away I saw several flaws in his stance. "Raise your elbow." He does then  I continue, "Feet shoulder width apart, put your finger above the the arrow and put it at the corner of your mouth. Good. Now close your left eye and focus on the target. Relax and fire."

He does what I say to do and his arrow lands dead center of the target. He turns around with a smile on his face. "Thanks." He turned back to the target and continued to practice. His shots were more accurate then when he began but still not to my ability. "You helped my with archery now it's my turn to help you. Swordfighting time."

We walk over to the weapons rack and put our bows up to replace them with swords. Rodic choose the biggest sword there, a large two handed broadsword. While I just go for small hand and half sword. Then a thought came to mind, "If we use these we'll chop each other to pieces." Though I'll most likely be the one chopped to bits.

"Just us magic to dull the blade." Yeld said.

"We can do that?" Rodic asked.

"Yea, Yeld told me back in town riders get to use magic." I answered Rodic. "So how do we use magic anyway?" I turned to Yeld.

"You just need to use the words in the Ancient Language and it will happen. However their are rules to magic. When you cast a spell it will take energy from your body. It takes the same amount of energy as doing it yourself so for now never use magic unless we permit it, or untill you start training with Eragon. Ok?" Yeld asked looking dead serious.

"Fine we won't use it untill trained." I answered for Rodic and I.

"Ok, to dull the swords say Geuloth du knifr then run your fingers down the blade on each side to dull the sharp edges."

We did as instructed and when our blades were ready we stood a few feet a part in a clearing close to camp. We started to circle each other staring each other down. "You are going to point out mistakes in my form, right?"

"Yea I was just waiting on you to make the first move so we can start." Rodic said with an amused tone.

I then jumped forward yelling and swinging my sword to his right shoulder. He blocked it with ease before my feet hit the ground again. He smirk at me then pushed his weight against my sword sending a few feet back landing on the ground hard.

"You shouldn't leave the ground especialy if your enemy has a bigger weapon then you." Rodic said.

I got back up on the ground my eyes never leaving Rodic incase he decided to take advantage of my valnurable state. I sneered and swung my sword towards his head turning last minute to strike his thigh. It made contact which made Rodic yelp. The hit was sure to leave a bruise but before I could relish in what could be my only strike on him he swung his sword at my left hip. I quickly reacted and stop the strike inches from his mark. I gave him a smirk then did what he did to me and pushed his sword with all my weight. This sent him a few feet away but I was weaker then him so he was still able to stand.

This didn't stop him for long he then ran at me yelling. He ran at me and we clashed together. Thats when he grabed my sword by the hilt then sent his knee to my stomach. I grunted and my hold on the sword loosened. He took advantage of this then pryed my sword from my grasp. I fell to my knees and he placed the swords together like scissors. He placed each blade on my sholders and acted like he would cut my head from my shoulders.

"Dead." he stated with a wicked grin.

"I shouldn't have fallen for that. It was your favorite move when we were little." I said. I always fell for that and it always angered me. I got back up taking my sword back and got into position. We contiued our sparing untill my body was full of burses and Rodic had two at the most. I layed in the grass huffing while Rodic sat next to me as normal as ever.

"Want to go check on our dragons?" he asked

"Yes please. I have been wanting to see him for while."

"Yea and I'd like to meet your dragon." Rodic said smiling.

"So I'm guessing helping each other was our sorry?" I asked

"Yes I'm sorry for ignoring you. You were only trying to help your dad and I should have been more understanding." he said looking down.

"It's fine. Let's just forget that happened. Ok?"

"Agreed." he said as we made it to were our dragons were playing together.

This was the first time I got a good look of Rodic's dragon. His scales looked magnificent. When the sun hit them they sparkled like there was fresh water droplets all over it. Thats when it occured to me that I don't know his name. " What did you name your dragon?"

"Her name is Garjzla."

"Nice what does it mean?"

"It means light in the Ancient Lauguage." Rodic explained.

"That seems fitting for such breahtaking scales."

"Hahaha" he laughed "She understood what you said and now she is purring." he explained to me. "What's your dragon's name?"

"Istalri. Flame in the Ancient Lauguage." I smiled remebering the happiness my dragon had shown when I named him.

"I don't think his name could be more perfect." he said.

"Thanks I thought so too. Its getting late, we should probley go to bed."

"Yea I agree. Good night." he said yawning.

"Good night." I said walking to my bed role. I went to sleep with a smile on my face. I got my friend back.

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