The Arrival

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AN: Sorry but this chapter is going to be a very boring chapter I needed a filler so here it is.


Thanks to the shade's interruption we spent the rest of the day stopped just outside Du Weldenvarden. The elves had to put out any fires that spread from the circle and wanted to heal any wildlife and plants that were seriously hurt. We also had to bury Elna's remains which was an honor to see. The elves places her in the ground, putting flower petals around her body, and then put an oak seed on her chest. They then filled the hole and sang a tree to grow from her body. It was amazing and then I knew that when I died I want to be buried like the elves. I then insisted that we bury the woman's body out of respect for her life. The elves refused but then changed their tune when I said I wouldn't continue untill we did. They had no choice but to agree. Once we were done with the buriels I needed to talk to Yeld to find out as to what I did to the shade.

"Yeld can I speak with you from a moment?" I asked.

"Yes, what do you need?"

"What did I do back there? I mean with the arrow. Was that magic?"

"Yea. You said kveykva which means lightning in the Ancient Language. But it's weird usually new magicians like you would need to say everything they mean to do. Only more experienced magicians can say one word and do several different things with it. You should have also felt really tired after casting a spell like that near passing out even."

"Well I didn't. In fact I didn't feel much different after casting it either."

"Thats very strange. When we get into the city I want you to discuss this with Queen Arya in private as soon as possible ok?"

"Yea I will."

"Ok good now get some rest. We have a long way to go tomorrow."


After eating another vegitarian breadfast we set off as quickly as possible to make up for the lost time. We stopped at mid-day for a quick break then we were on our way again. By mid-night we made our way into Ellesmera. We were greeted by several elves along the road. We then stopped by a crowd of elves and the one thing that stood out was Queen Arya standing in front of the group. The elves upon realizing it was their queen quickly hulted and bowed to her.

"Please rise. You know how much I hate it when you guys bow to me. I honestly wished you all would treat me like you did when I was just an ambassador." Arya stated in a playful tone. She then scanned the crowd of the newly arrived elves with a worried look on her face. "Where is Elna?"

"Queen we are sorry to say that she took her life to save us all." Yeld answered for the group.

"What?! How did this happen?" Arya asked.

"Thats what I need to talk to you about alone with the riders." Yeld said.

"Fine follow me and riders please bring your belongings and dragons with you." Arya ordered turning on her heel and walking away.

Rodic and I quickly grabbed our bags and called our dragons to follow. Istalri ran up to me scratching my leg telling me he wants to be carried. I scooped him up and layed him on my shoulder with his head falling into the space between my neck and chest, purring with content. We quickly ran after Arya who lead us to what I guess was her castle. She lead us then to what I could only describe as a greenhouse with plants that I have never seen before in my life.

"Ok nobody can hear us, know explain." Arya said turning around suddenly.

"We ran into some complications just outside the Du Weldenvarden. A shade had attacked us which led to Elna killing herself to take down all of the shade's wards." Yeld explained

"So one of the guards was able to kill the shade then?" Arya asked.

"No. The shade threw us all away from herself and the riders. She trapped these two," Yeld motioned to us, "and herself in a ring of fire which none of us could break."

"So one of you two killed the shade then?" Arya asked looking at us.

"Yes Fang here killed her with an arrow to the heart." Rodic said smiling.

"That's an amazing thing to do for a rider so young. I guess I'm no longer the only shadeslayer here." Arya stated with smile on her face.

"Um...I don't mean to offend but I don't want to be called a shadeslayer. In fact Rodic and I wouldn't be here unless one of the elves pulled us back. The shade would have chopped both our heads off our shoulders." I said.

"Wait, Fang we couldn't use any magic to help you guys. The circle of fire stopped us from helping you in anyway." Yeld said with a confused face.

"Then who saved us?" I asked

"I did."


AN: Well I had to do something to make this chapter good so how about introducing a mystery character. Find out who it is next chapter.

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