Shady Dreams

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Morning came and once again we set off to Ellesmera. In the early morning we stopped to rest at the begining of the Du Weldenvarden so the horses could feed. Everyone was happy and in high spirits because by the end of the day we will arrive in Ellesmera. However once I woke up this morning I had the feeling somthing bad would happen. All night long I had nightmares seeing a hooded man in a circle of fire talking in the Ancient Language. I woke up three times that night from the same dream and soon my dragon sent his reasurence through our bond to try to calm me. It only worked for maybe ten minutes before my mind roamed back to the man. Then all today I felt like someone was watching our every move and I couldn't stop looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody was there, I even went so far as to never let Istalri out of my site.

I couldn't take it anymore I had to tell someone the way I felt. "Yeld, do you feel like someone is watching us?"

"No, nobody travels this far north of Alagaesia unless they're mad or have serious bisness with the elves." he answered.

"Well I can't help but feel that we are being followed and that we are in dang..." I couldn't finish because a ball of fire flew out of the trees and hit the ground with a giant explosion near our camp. With in a blink of an eye the elves sprang up forming a protective circle around me, Rodic, and our dragons. I reached out and picked up Istalri. Just having him near made mind have some ease knowing he won't be in direct danger.

The elves were all staring at the spot were the fireball shot from. Each elf either had a sword or the air above their hands were shimmering from magic. Then a black mass sprang from the wooded area and landed maybe ten feet from the circle. This was about the time I saw that the elves threw some weapons back too us. I quickly took the bow in my hands and put on the quiver. Once done I kicked the sword over to Rodic hitting his foot so he would notice. He quickly scooped up the sword and drew it from its seeth never taking his eye off the figure. I then started to inspect the enemy learning anything that could give us and edge and noticed to my growing fear that it was in fact the man from my dreams.

The elves then took action. The ones with swords charged at the enemy while the ones using magic stayed behind mumuring under their breaths. When the elves with the swords reached the man they went in formation and attacked but their swords wouldn't hit him. They would swing but their weapons would stop inches from his body. Then for some reason the elves around us shouted at Elna who took a few steps toward the man and raised her hands murmuring. I couldn't help but ask one of the elves why they all shouted at her.

He raised his head and looked at me with a tortured expression and said "She's sacrificing herself so that the shade can be stopped."

I looked at him in shock. How did he know it was a shade and how could Elna even think of doing this? Thats when pure terror took hold of my body. If the black robed firgure really was a shade we would most likely not make it through this battle. I just sat there on the grass staring at the battle unfolding in front of me. Then Elna burst into yellow flame. The light was so intense I had to look away and as soon as I looked back all that remained of Elna was a burn husk. This enraged the elves further and they all charged. The black robed man then yelled something so quickly I couldn't catch it and the elves were sent flying. The shade then went on to yell another phrase and a ring of blue fire formed around us and himself.

He then pulled down his hood to reveal a pale skined female face with hair as black as night. Her eyes were the same color as her hair and she had a smile put on her face revealing two rows of pointed teeth. Seeing her appearence gave me no doubte that she was in fact a shade and a powerful one at that. I instantly looked for my dragon knowing I needed to protect him but found him no where to be found. Rodic's dragon was gone too. I began to search around franticly fearing he was hurt or worse. I then looked to where the elves were thrown to see Istalri and Garjzla in the elves arms unharmed. They must have been pushed out of the circle with the elves.

I then pushed my mind out to Yeld who hesitated to open his mind but finally did finding it was me. Are our dragons unharmed?

Yes. They are fine. Elna used her magic to take down all his wards so he can be harmed by swords and arrows now. You and Rodic have to kill her before she does anything to harm you!

"Rodic we have to kill this shade its up to us. Elna used magic to take down all her wards so our weapons can harm her. She dosen't know her wards are down yet so we have that against her. We need a plan."

"Fire arrows near her to make her think her wards are still up. Yeld is going to have the elves sap magic from her to make it look real. I'm going to run at her and strike her down. We have one chance for this, we can't waist it."

"Now!" I yelled firing arrows near her body while Rodic charged at her yelling. I could tell the plan worked as her smile grew bigger. Rodic was near and jabbed his sword to her chest aiming for her heart. Then the plan went downhill. She moved at the last minute so Rodic's sword hit her shoulder instead. Rodic then pulled back and jumped five feet from her body before she had a chance to strike at him. By this time I decided to take things into my own hands and fired two arrows towards her head. In the blink of an eye she pulled out a sword and blocked both arrows from their mark. she smirked causing rage to travel through my whole body.

I pulled the bow over my head so it would lay on my should and stalked over to a sword a elf had dropped when he was sent flying. I then stood next to Rodic and whispered "Follow my lead." I then slowly walked closer to the shade going to her left while Rodic followed suit on her right. I then shot forward swing to behead her while Rodic once again went for her heart. She jumped backward and Rodic and I's swords met with a CLASH! She then swung for my left arm. With me being slower Rodic blocked the shot for me. I took the chance and jabbed for her heart. She then yelled "Letta!" and my sword stopped just before stabbing her chest. She then threw her sword up sending my sword into Rodic's.

Rodic and I were pulled back as the shades sword flew by inches from my face. We landed ten feet away from her and I didn't care to find out who pulled us back I was just glad they did. I had had enough of this fight so I pulled my bow from my shoulders and nocked an arrow. Just as I was about to send it flying to the shade a word found itself in my head. "Kveykva!" I screamed as I sent the arrow to her chest. The spell sent my arrow flyling faster then the eye could follow and before the shade could say a word it sank deep into her heart as the arrow exploded into a ball of lightning.

She sank to the ground her skin withering. Then she turned transparent allowing me to see the dark entites swirling around inside her. Her skin spilt in three places releasing the spirits insider her. She was dead and me and Rodic were very much alive!

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