~Chapter 3~

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Leo's POV

Man...my head felt like a spinning roulette. I didn't want to open my eyes but I had to. So I opened them slowly and all I could make out, due to the blurry vision, was the fact that I was in a dark room.

"Ahh. The sleeping beauty finally awakes" A voice said from my left and I turned my head around only to find that it was Fishface. Seconds later Rahzar appeared next to him. I blinked a couple of times to reset my vision.

"Shush! Don't you see that he just woke up? Show a little respect to the boy, will ya?" Rahzar mocked but I ignored them and an intense pain coursed through my side.

Trying to reach my side, I realized I was strapped to a flat, concrete table with cords around my hand and feet. I clenched my teeth because of the pain in my side and I looked down only to find a deep gash with blood that flowed on the concrete.

"At last..." a deep voice said and I quickly turned my head right knowing that the Shredder was the one that spoke. He entered the room with TigerClaw right behind him and continued to speak "you are awake...turtle". I continued to struggle to the bonds although I already knew it was pointless.

"You protected your brothers quite well, but you forgot the cost of it" I took a deep breath and looked him right in the eyes "I already knew the cost of that and I would do it a hundred times if I could!" I said with pride but only to receive a hard blow on the face by Rahzar.

"You will only speak when you are told to" He said and I tightened my eyes to reduce the pain.

"What do you want Shredder?" I asked even though I already knew the answer and was probably going to be smacked again by Rahzar's fist but when he raised his hand to deliver another hit to the face, he was halted by Shredder.

"I want nothing more from you than the location of your pitiful master, but do not expect to get away with all the times you've interfered with my plans"

"So there is no point of telling you where my sensei is because you're gonna kill me either way"

"True..." He paused for a second and continued "But I could make it swift and painless so you won't feel anything"

"Try me" I said gazing at his dark, cold-blooded eyes.

"As you wish reptile" He replied and took a glance at TigerClaw that was next to him. TigerClaw then pulled out a remote and smirked.

"How many pounds of weight can a turtle handle before it's bones shatter to pieces?" He said neatly.

"Well I would say, at least 350 pounds before we hear a few ribs break" Fishface said laughly and TigerClaw pressed a red button and a flat compressor above me came down at my chest. I whined but he soon pressed the button again and it stopped.

"50 pounds, have you reconsidered your decision? TigerClaw asked while Shredder was looking down at me silently.

"Yes... You are wasting your time!" I replied.

"Oh I am sure we have plenty of time in our disposal" Rahzar said.

He pressed the button again for a few seconds then paused it again and I whined once more.

"100 pounds. We still have a long way. I think we should speed up the process a bit" TigerClaw grinned and pressed the button leaving it for longer than the previous times.

The press added more pressure than before and I let out a silent cry while tightening my eyes and clenching my teeth. He stopped it once again and it was becoming more and more hard to breath.

"250 pounds of pressure. Getting hard to breathe?" TigerClaw asked but I didn't respond, because I was trying to take deep breaths but soon enough he clicked the remote adding even more weight.

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