- Dark -
You have a room over the shop, haven't you? If times are so hard, why don't you rent it out?
- Death Wiish -
People think it's haunted.
- Dark -
- Death Wiish -
Yeah. And who's to say they're wrong? You see, years ago something happened up there. Something not very nice.
- Death Wiish -
There was a barber and his wife. And he was beautiful...a proper artist with a knife, but they transported him for life. And he was beautiful...
- Death Wiish -
Fischbach his name was. Mark Fischbach.
- Dark -
What was his crime?
- Death Wiish -
- Death Wiish -
He had this wife, you see. Pretty little thing, silly little nit. Had her chance for the moon on a string...poor thing!
- Death Wiish -
Poor thing! There was this judge, ya see, wanted her like mad! Everyday he's send her a flower. But did she come down from her tower?
- Death Wiish -
Sat up there and sulked by the hour. Poor fool! Ah, but there was worse yet to come, poor thing!
- Death Wiish -
Well, Marvin calls on her all polite. Poor thing! Poor thing! The judge, he tells her is all contrite.
- Death Wiish -
He blames himself for her dreadful plight. She must come straight to his house tonight! Poor thing! Poor thing!
- Death Wiish -
Oh course when she goes there...poor thing! Poor thing! They're having this ball all in masks. There's no one she knows there!
- Death Wiish -
Poor dear! Poor thing! She wonders, tormented and drinks - poor thing! The judge has repented, she thinks. Poor thing!
- Death Wiish -
"Oh where is Judge Wilford?" she asks...he was there, alright! Only not so contrite! She wasn't no match for such craft, ya see.
- Death Wiish -
And everyone thought it so drull. They figured she had to be daft, ya see, so all of them stood there and laughed, ya see. Poor soul! Poor thing!
- Dark -
NO! Would no one have mercy on her?
- Death Wiish -
So it is you. Mark Fischbach.
- Dark -
No! Not Fischbach. That man is dead. It's Dark now - Damien Dark. And he will have his revenge.