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Thursday - 2 August 2018

I saw the clock on the wall and it was seven in the evening, and I was still talking to grandma and grandpa about everything I have done. They decided I tell them my whole story in chewable bites for them to process.

'So while I was gone for over a month and a half it was because of a mission the American Secret Service gave me two choices. One I go to jail for the rest of my existence or, two; I go do this deadly mission and get a boatload of money with diplomatic immunities from more countries we can start to name. So I took the money option and went off on this solo mission.'

'Why didn't you take Tando with you?' Grandpa asked me.

'That would have been ideal, granddaddy. But in the middle east woman is still the bottom of the barrel in their society and woman tend to go unnoticed much easier than to have a male drawing attention so that is why I went on this solo mission. I got to Baghdad and I immediately started to plan with the intel the secret service gave me and set out to get the lay of the land. I lay low observing from the rooftops. When I was walking around I found a few entrances that leads to their underground cities. It was really something to see. I don't think I would ever get used to the smell of damp soil smell in the air all the time it will feel like I'm suffocating twenty-four seven.'

'Makes sense.' David spoke up and took my hand.

'Anyway, I set out where my targets are planning and I had to jump to keep up with their schedules. They appoint a location to have their elections and beforehand I went to the location and rigged it to blow with explosives that I can trigger with a burner phone that are super cheap and I can smash it and throw it away afterward.' I looked at all the wide eyes in the room. 'Do I need to go on because you all saw the news from here.'

'No you don't need to tell us the rest sweetheart. But can I ask you a question instead.' Grandpa asked me.

'Of course grandpa. Go right ahead, please.'

'What happened to your face honey?'

'Good questions. I was in Istanbul, I got drone images of my string of targets and found them and all their ugly limos so with rigged car bombs in my bag I got to the undercarriage of their limos and rigged the car bombs to their speedometers and when the cars reach their 2 kilometer set trigger will blow. Then after I rigged the last limo with its bomb, I got up and were spotted to close to the militant's car and their guards chase me down. Of the three countries, I've visited this was the only one that was the biggest challenge for me. So they started to shoot in my direction as I ran off and I grab my two 9 mm guns and shoot back.

It was chaos all around. I wore a double bulletproof vest as some of their bullets hit the vest it hurt like a mother but some of their shots were above the bulletproof vests and it hit my back. I fell to my knees they caught up with me and hit me through my face like this. Someone pulled their attention away from me and I shot them both at the same time in the gut. I ran for it and stole a thickly dust covered car, filled the tank with gas and raced for the Israeli border. It took me two days just to get into Isreal. I had to convince them to call their president to confirm my invitation and was escorted mind you to the president's house.

He gave me medical help that helped me with the plugged holes from my gunshot wounds. He personally hands me a diplomatic immunity for Israel. Then this morning MI6 came round and hand me diplomatic immunity for the United Kingdom send from the queen herself along with a letter that state you grandma and grandpa with myself may reside here permanently without having to stay here for ten years or more.' I hand them the letters I received then showed them my bullet wounds.

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