Chapter two- As If

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Aria's P.O.V

"Aria would you hurry up? Food is here and the movie is about to start." I heard Brandon call from the living room

"I am just coming...Jeeze." I called back, followed by a groan of annoyance

I cannot even get peace to shower without being rushed. I pulled my PJS on before making my way through to the living room. Brandon was sitting at one side of the sofa...Hunter at the other which means I need to sit in the middle...could Brandon not sit in the middle? I don't wanna sit next to Hunter, he will probably harass me. I sucked it up though, taking the free seat between the two of them.

"About time." Hunter groaned

"Go fuck yourself." I said sweetly to him before reaching for a slice of pizza

"What we watching?" I asked

"AntMan." Brandon smiled

"YEAH!" I said excited, love that movie

I grabbed the blanket from over the back of the sofa, laying it over myself, Hunter stealing half of it. I turned, glaring at him, in return he smirked at me. I decided to ignore him, turn my attention back to the movie cause I could see Brandon glaring at us out the corner of his eyes...don't wanna upset big brother now. I am sure I can play nice until he leave tomorrow night, after that I will have no filter when it comes to Hunter.

A silence fell between us as we ate and watched the movie. All of a sudden, I felt something warm caress my thigh below the covers...that something being Hunter's hand on my thigh, his fingertips drawing circles on my bare skin. I felt my skin heat up underneath his fingertips. I closed my eyes over, taking a deep breath, his hand travelling to the inside of my thigh. I bit down on my bottom lip to suppress the moan that was caught in my throat. Why am I letting him do this? And why the heck is he doing this especially with Brandon here?

I slid my hand under the blanket, grabbing his wrists to stop him, turning to glare at him. He winked at me, removing his hand and acting like nothing happened. What is his game? He needs to keep his hands to himself. I tucked the blanket tighter against my legs, making sure I was blocking Hunter's access from touching me. I will be the first to admit as much as he annoys much as I dislike him, his touch does something to makes the heat rise between my legs. I had to get my mind off those him.

"What are the sleeping arrangements for tonight?" I asked

"I am gonna sleep on the sofa. You can have my bed." Brandon said

"What? Don't be silly, I will take the sofa. You need to be well rested for all the travelling you need to do tomorrow." I said

"It is fine...honestly." Brandon smiled at me

"You can have my bed Aria. I will take the sofa." Hunter said

"No thank You." I said, trying not to be too obvious the thought disgusted me

I can only imagine what has happened on that bed. I would rather have the sofa.

"I am taking the sofa, end off. I don't sleep to great most nights, properly better for me to sleep here so I do not disturb any of you." I said

It took some convicting but I won in the end. I don't mind the sofa for one night.

"Sorry guys I am done in. I am gonna go to bed. You two watch the rest of the movie. Please do not try kill each other OK?" Brandon said

Oh God, please no, do not leave me alone with him?

"Night, see you both in the morning." Brandon said hugging me before heading through to his bedroom

I was hoping Hunter would do the same, go to his bed. Hunter had other ideas. As soon as we heard Brandon's door close Hunter turned to me, his all so familiar smirk on his lips. Can I slap him, please? Only once?

"What did you think you were playing at?" I asked annoyed

"Dunno what you mean." He smirked

"Yes...yes you do." I hissed

He scooted closer to me on the sofa, his thigh brushing mine. I turned to face him, his lips only inches away from mine. I swallowed hard, getting lost in his blue eyes for a moment. I licked my lips, the flashback of his kiss five years ago coming back to mine, he was a good kisser.

"Here is an idea how about you stop being stubborn and take what you really want? That being me?" he said confidently

He wants to play games? I can play to. I placed my hand on his thigh, acting like I was gonna close the small space between our if. I brushed his lips with mine, a moan falling from his lips as I did. I smirked, quickly pulling away

"As if I am gonna kiss you ever again Hunter. I do not want you...I barley even like are delusional if you think I do." I laughed, leaning back on the sofa, turning back to the TV.

I could see him out the corner of my eye, a look of frustration on his face and I smirked. He deserved it.

"You really are a bitch Aria. I will get you though." He hissed, pulling himself from the sofa, storming away like a child

"And you are a jackass." I called after him

He flipped me off before disappearing into the hall, his bedroom door soon slamming behind him. I chuckled to myself at his child like behaviour. He is a 30 year old man, it is time he grows up and stops acting like he is still a teenage boy or in his early 20's. I looked checking the time, seeing it was only 11pm, too early for me to go to bed. I grabbed my phone, deciding to text my best friend Katie, she would still be up.

Aria: Hey, you still awake? X

Katie: Yes. You settled in at Brandon's yet? X

Aria: I guess. What my lovely brother forgot to tell me once he was Gone I would have a roommate L...not impressed AT ALL x

Katie: Roommate? Who? Why is your brother letting you stay with a complete stranger? Is he crazy? Do I need to kick his ass? X

I giggled reading her text, she was always so protective of me and she would kick my brother ass if she had too.

Aria: Not a stranger, worse than a stranger. Hunter fucking Reign's x

Katie: OH MY GOD for real? Why would he do that to you? I am guessing your brother still does not know what happened between you and Hunter five years ago? X

Aria: I know right? No and he will never know about that, he would kill him lol. As for Hunter he is still the same Arrogant, cocky, annoying guy that he has always been. He is convinced that I want if I would go near him again x

Katie: Don't you? That is a fine specimen and you did say he was the best you have had, even to this this day ;) why not have some fun with him? You need to get laid, it has been months lol x

Aria: Not gonna happen. He annoys me like no other person I have ever met. Why would I wanna have sex with him again? lol x

Katie: I know he annoys you, that don't mean you can't have sex with, amazing sex ;). Or at least have some fun with him, tease and play with him a little...see how it goes, you like that then I am sure you would have no problem seducing him. X

Aria: I dunno. I guess it would make the next six months more fun and exciting. Maybe a little game of seduction wouldn't hurt. X

Katie: That's my girl ;) x

Katie and texted back and forth for the next hour before she had to head to bed cause she work tomorrow. I however was still wide awake. I put the crime channel on, laying down on the sofa and thinking about the texts we shared. I smirked to myself as I came up with a plan in my head. You wanna play Hunter Reigns...then we shall play.


Hello Everyone, 

How are we all? 

Sorry for the delay in an update  lol. 

So who do you think will break first? 

Emma :D 

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