Chapter 32- Not a dream

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Aria's P.O.V

I woke, half expecting last night to be all a dream...half expecting Hunter not to be there but I soon realise he was. He still had be wrapped tightly in his arms...our bodies entangled in each other's...entangled in the sheets.

"Yes Aria I am still here and yes I meant everything I said last night." I heard him chuckle in my ear

I giggled, rolling around to face him and he done the same, using my hip to pull my body into his.

"I know and I did too." I smiled

Hunter reached in, kissing me sweetly...keeping it short and sweet before pulling away but leaving still only inches between our faces.

"This is gonna take some time to get used to." He said

"I know right?" I giggled

"Well now we are official I think it is only right I take you out on a date." He said with a smirk

"A date? I think we are by that stage don't you think?" I giggled

"Maybe but I still wanna. Come on let me wine and dine you baby. I can be a very charming date." He said confidently

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at him before reaching in and pecking his lips. He groaned into my lips, grabbing my leg and wrapping his around his hip, his morning friend digging into me. Hunter grinding into me, telling me exactly what he wanted. I reached in again kissing him, this time a little harder...with more want in the kiss and he took that as his sign, pushing into me as we laid on our sides. I moaned loudly as he filled me up...Hunter doing the same and our bodies melting into one and others. Nothing better that morning sex especially with Hunter. Our bodies moved perfectly together just like they always do. The room full of passion...want...lust and every other feelings I can think of. It still felt different though, felt different from when we were just having sex, probably cause there is actually known feelings in it now.

It never took long until my body was shaking against body getting taken over my orgasm as I spilled myself around him, calling out his name...Hunter soon following with my name falling from his lips as he finishes off. Once were done he never moved, never pulled himself out of me, kept himself buried inside of me as we calmed down from what just happened between us. He did pull out moments later, rolling onto his back, pulling me into him. I see him reach over, grabbing his cell

"Smile for me baby." He whispered in my ear, taking a photo of us snuggled up, nothing but the sheets covering us up "Now I have a new screensaver." He added winking at me once he took it

He showed me the photo and it was a really good one...we both looked happy. As we lay there snuggling his phone started ringing, someone wanna facetime. He looked at it, seeing it was Brandon

"Shit! I know he knows we are together but I don't think he would appreciate seeing us like this." Hunter laughed, jumping to his feet and rushing around to find his clothing, pulling it on and sitting on the top of the covers.

I giggled at how nervous he was, deciding I should do the same thing. I grabbed my PJ'S pulling them back on, getting back under the covers but making sure to sit up. By the time we were done Brandon had stopped calling, Hunter deciding he should call him back. It only took him moments to answer, his face soon appearing on the screen

"Good morning you two. Did you get everything sorted?" he asked with a small smile

Yes he was accepting that Hunter and I were together but I could still tell he was a little strange with the full thing which is understandable. His best friend and his little sister did just get together after all. I know he would get used to it on no time, as long as we never got to affectionate in front of them, that would completely biff him out.

"Good day big brother." I said smiling widely at him

"Alright buddy and yes we sorted everything out." Hunter smiled

"I am glad to hear it even though it is really strange." He laughed

Hunter and I nodded in agreement cause it felt strange for us too.

"I know...I know, it will take some time for us all to adjust to it." I said "How are you? How are things? You found yourself a girlfriend?" I asked

"I am fine. Things are great and no I have not found a girlfriend yet." He laughed

"You have been single for far too long bro, I am gonna set you up when you get back with someone." I said smiling widely at him

"I do not think so somehow. I can find my own girlfriend if I want one Aria." He laughed

I pouted at him, Brandon not falling for it, he never does. Hunter even suggested setting him up but he was having none of it either. The three of us chatted for a good hour

"Well I gotta go. You two kids have safe and Hunter if you hurt her in any way I will be there in the first flight available and kick your ass, got it?" he said, making sure he was getting his point across

"And I don't doubt that for a moment mate but I don't plan on hurting her...if I ever do I will happily let you kick my ass." Hunter said

Brandon said his goodbye to us before hanging up. As soon as he did the two of us let out a breath that we were clearly holding it, both nervous about talking to Brandon since we were together now but I know in time it will be OK, the nerves will go away.

"That could have went worse." I giggled

"Yes it really could have." Hunter chuckled

"I am sure in time it will just become the norm." I said

"I am sure it will." He said smiling

Hunter stripped back down, climbing back into bed with me, neither of us ready to move quite yet, the two of us could be doing with some more sleep since we never got much last night.

"We can get some more sleep then get showered and ready, head out for the day. We can make it a day/night date, since I have some time to make up for." He said

"Sounds good." I said kissing him softly before we snuggled back in for the next couple of hours.

I was looking forward to our first official date.


Hi, hi here is the update finally :D I know i said am hoping to do another 8 chaps but I don't think that is gonna happen sadly :( struggled with this chapter so I am only gonna do maybe another two chapters plus an epilogue...sorry everyone but i dont wanna push it in case it seems forced. 

Have a good day/night 


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