Chapter 5

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I sighed as I walked into my room, tired from everything I did today. Michael made us go on the mini field trip the facility had, which had us walking for hours. I just wanted to lay down and sleep. I slid off my shoes and realised Landon wasn't in his bed.

"Landon?" I yelled. "Yeah?" He responded from the bathroom. "Just seeing if you were here" the toilet flushed and he came out after the sink ran for a few seconds. He looked at me blankly before crawling back into bed, covering himself with the large comforter. "Landon, you're gonna have to get out of bed for more than just going to the bathroom. Can you come to breakfast tomorrow and meet someone?"

"I don't want to" "then I'll bring him in here" He groaned loudly. "Pleeaaaase" I begged. He sat up and glared at me, his long hair a mess. "Fine, but I'm not talking to anyone. Can you turn the air off? It's freezing in here" "it is hot as fuck in here, it's like 80 degrees" "liar, this shits cold"

I walked to him and felt his forehead. "You got a fever babe, lemme go get some medicine" "ok" he said quietly. "Do you want anything to eat right now? And I'm bringing you some water cause you gone get dehydrated best friend" I pecked his forehead. "I'm good, thanks Jah, love you" "Love you too"

I walked to Lorraine's office and opened the door, seeing she was not doing anything. "Hi Jahseh, what can I do for you?" She gave me a big smile. "Landon has a fever, can he get some medicine?" She nodded and walked to her cabinet, handing me an oral syringe full of a pinkish medicine.

"Give him this, have him drink some water" "thank you ma'am" "no problem" she smiled again. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water from the fridge, quickly walking back to the room. Landon was bundled up in his blanket and he looked like he had been crying while I was gone. "Landon I got you medicine"

He sniffled and looked at me. "Thank you jahjah" he grabbed it and the water, taking the medicine. "Get some sleep okay?" "Okay" I have him a big hug before laying in my own bed, forgetting to shower. I'd shower in the morning.

Next day

I woke to Landon yelling in his sleep. "Let him go!" He cried. "Metri!" I quickly ran to him and shook him awake. "Landon, hey hey, wake up" he quickly shot up and sighed. "H-hes still gone" his eyes filled with tears and he cried into his pillow. "It's okay, he'll be back before you know it"

I pulled him to my chest and rocked back and forth, humming a little song that I made in my head. "Are you gonna write that one down? I like it" he asked looking up. "Yeah, I like it too. I'm gonna write it later today, but let's get you showered and dressed for breakfast, okay?" He nodded slowly and got out of bed.

He grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom, yawning as he did so. I picked out his outfit, which consisted of a light grey t-shirt, some black joggers, and, if he felt like it, a white hoodie that I drew a messy broken heart on with sharpie.  I pulled out some boxers for him and a pair of socks, we weren't aloud to walk around bare footed.

After about 15 minutes, Landon came out of the shower, his hair up in a towel and another wrapped around his waist. "I picked out your clothes" I said, giving him a soft smile. "Thank you jah" he picked up the clothes and went behind changing curtain that was put into the room. He came out and look comfortable, and we went off to breakfast.

Once we sat at the table after getting our food, everyone was saying hi to Landon. He started loosening up, and soon he was telling jokes. I didn't realize that stokeley sat next to me until I felt his arms around my waist. "Goodmorning baby" he whispered before kissing my cheek.

Baby. I smiled at him before tapping Landon. "Stokeley, this is Landon, my roommate slash best friend. Landon, this is Stokeley, the new person slash new bae" Landon smiled at him. "Hi, Jahseh hasn't had a "bae" in a long time." Stokeley just chuckled and rested his head in his hand, having a conversation with Landon.

After breakfast was over, Landon went back to our room. Stokeley had therapy all day, and so did a few other friends of mine, so I just went with him. "Do you think Metri is coming home soon?" Landon asked, staring at the ceiling. "I don't know, it depends on his behavior" "I miss him so so much Jah. I keep having dreams that he's still here and I wake up and he's not"

I walked to his bed and laid next to him, putting my arms around him. "He was keeping me sane, and I was doing the same for him. I-i want him to come back so I can be happy. I want him to come back so I can listen to his heartbeat while we lay here, talking about what we are gonna do once we get out of here"

He sniffled before continuing. "If he doesn't come back soon I'm going to actually lose my mind. We were each other's support system, do you remember how he got when Dean from floor 4 grabbed my ass? I had to calm him down so he didn't get sent to John's. I wasn't there to help him this time" he broke down.

Nobody ever told Landon exactly what happened when they took Kimetrius, he would feel like it was his fault. It wasn't, but it's how his mind is. "Shhh, it's okay Landon. He'll be back before you know it" I rubbed his back and his sobs quieted down, turning into light snores. I stayed next to him, playing in his long hair.

"Knock knock" Lorraine came in with our medicine. "Hi ma'am, he fell asleep" I smiled up at her. She was a nice lady, she smelled like roses and mint, not like the candy mints, the plant when it's freshly picked. "That's okay honey, I'll just give you yours and you can come and get me when he's up, okay?"

"Okay" I slowly sat up to not wake Landon, taking the water bottle she held out to me. She handed me my three pills and I took them at once, I've become used to taking them at the same time. "Can we talk in the hall for a sec?" I nodded and walked with her. "Kimetrius has asked me not to tell Landon, he wants to surprise him. He's coming home tomorrow"

I squealed out of excitement. "Finally! What time? I gotta make sure Landon is cleaned up and the sheets are washed and allat" "11 am, please don't make it obvious, Kimetrius is really excited to surprise him"  I nodded and hugged her, forgetting we aren't aloud to touch staff. "Sorry" I pulled away quickly. "Itd okay Jahseh, it was just a hug"

I walked back into the room, picking up the trash from the floor and just cleaning in general. I wiped down the bathroom also, and mopped the floor. Landon is going to be so happy

Not edited

School started for me so I'm not gonna be updating a lot, may be like twice a week, more if I can.

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