Welcome to Seabrook

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"Goodbye everyone!" I said as my real aunt rolled her eyes and scoffed.
Sorry! Hi I'm Karoline! But everyone calls me Kara. (if they'd ever bother to learn my name...) Anyways, I finally get to go home to my adopted family! I've missed my sister Addison, she's probably the best person ever! She knows about my wig and contacts. She hides her hair as well, I think it looks great, but her parents think otherwise. I love my wig, it covers my freakish blue green hair. Addie's parents say I'm 1/2 human, 1/4 zombie, and 1/4 something else... No one knows what the something else is though, I'm rare and I hate it. It's like rare stake, but instead of a little cooked, it's right off the freaking cow! Blood and guts spewing everywhere! Not many people will even talk to me just because of it, and it doesn't even have a name! Life is a little harder but I try to make things work out better? Idk. Things will be better when I see my best friend and sister, Addison.


At the moment I'm in the airplane and we are just about to land. I can see mom's car in the parking lot, it's super pink... Have I mentioned I hate the color pink? Because I hate it with a burning passion. I could easily rant for hours on why, but I need to get off the plane.


Oh! I see a girl with soft, golden blonde hair, joyous and energetic blue eyes, and she's sporting a pink and green cheerleading uniform with flawless white sneakers.
"Addie!" I scream across the airport, she turns, screams my name, and we rush to embrace each other. We fall to the floor in a pile of sobs as her parents join us.
"I've missed you so much!" I sob as I pull back to see their faces all staring at my puffy red one.
"Let's take you home Kara, we'll totally talk when we get back." Addie said as we walked to the pink car.


"I have a boyfriend..." Addison gushed as I was doing her nails in our blanket and pillow fort. My eyes went large as I squealed and hugged her tightly.
"Who, who, who! Spill the deets! I'm dying hurry!" I exclaimed as I pulled back.
(A/N Addison will not date Zed in this book, I've always wanted a sister, so in this book I'm not going to break them up over a stupid boy, (not that all boys are stupid, but you know what I mean))
"His name is Hunter! He is super handsome! He has green eyes and black hair, he is so hot! He's also on the football team! So I get to cheer for him!" She gushed as I finished her nails.
"Oh, one more thing I probably should tell you about..." She started as I nodded looking up at her to go on.
"Zombies are now allowed to go to school with us..." She panicked starting to hyperventilate. I gave her a reassuring rub on her back and told her I'd beat them up if they ever touched one hair on her head. At that she laughed so hard. I love making her laugh, it's great to see her smile.


Later that night we tucked ourselves in bed and went to sleep with dreams about the first day of sophomore year.

Fired Up! ZOMBIES Fanfic (Zed x OC) Where stories live. Discover now