Chapter Fifteen

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The next day, I woke up to the sound of my alarm, my new alarm clock sitting on my bedside table. My hand made its way to the off button and I groaned, getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom.

After a quick shower, I pulled on my uniform, stuffing a hoodie into my backpack, in case I needed it. I could already feel that it was gonna be a bad day.

"Bye," I mumbled to Dad, who was eating breakfast. Before he could respond, I left the house, slipping my headphones on and turning up my rock music to full volume.

I decided to take the bus this time, knowing that Aphmau wasn't gonna come. Sitting in the very back, I curled up into a tight ball, trying to ignore the ache in my chest and the gaggle of students around me.

Being in school wasn't any better. I silently went into each of my classes, paying very little attention and staying as silent as I could. If a bully came near me, I took the beating, then kept going when it was all done. Annabelle didn't speak to me at all, meaning I'd have to wait if I wanted to make amends with her.

Gym was the worst part of the whole day. Annabelle usually stayed with me and partnered with me, since no one else would. Instead, she partnered with our friend, Katie Valkrum, and I was left alone. I got picked on and beat up and the teacher didn't do anything, letting me take the beating without so much as a sideways glance.

Afterwards, I had had enough. I walked into the bathroom and into the last stall, locking the door and standing against the wall. After a minute, slow tears began to fall and I slid down the wall, my bottom hitting the tiled floor with a thud. I tried to stop myself from crying so hard by rubbing my eyes, maybe a little too hard.

By the end of the day, I had two new cuts and several bruises. Mom tried to help, but I just pushed her away, telling her that I just wanted to be alone.

I went up to my room and began to try and catch up on the school work that I had missed. After an hour, I gave up and shoved everything back into my backpack, my brain going fuzzy and my whole body aching.

The night wasn't any easier. After dinner, I cleaned the kitchen, then went up to my room to try and get an early start on sleeping. Nothing. I tossed and turned until sunrise, when I finally started to feel the fatigue creeping up on me.

That is, until Nora barged in, yelling excitedly. "Today's the day for the picnic!" she yelled, jumping onto my bed.

"Ow," I moaned, gently rolling her off of the bed. She hit the ground with a faint thud, but her giggling continued.

"You have to help us set it up!" she yelled, shaking my arm.

I sat up and smiled, gently patting her head. "Give me, like, a half hour of more sleep," I mumbled, falling back onto the bed with a loud thump.

"Nope!" I heard Mom and Dad yell in unison, my door flying open once again.

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, blocking out some of the noise. "Why must you guys all be early birds?" I moaned as my sheets got pulled off of me.

"It's picnic day!" Mom yelled excitedly, dragging me out of bed. I let her, my whole body going limp as she tried to drag me down the hall towards the stairs. I got up when she started to drag me down the stairs, my head hitting the top step.

"Help me make the cupcakes," Mom said, walking over to the kitchen.

"Can I have breakfast first?" I asked, smiling brightly, even if it was small.

"Nope, mix!" she shouted happily. I sighed and did as I was asked, mixing the gooey mix, then letting Mom pour it into the cupcake tins. My cereal tasted a little bit better, most likely because I was quite a bit happier than usual.

Around 10, Dad and I left to go setup some stuff before we had to bring the food. When we got there, my happy mood fell instantly. The Lycan family was there, Annabelle talking with Austin, while Aphmau and Aaron setup some tables and blankets.

"Take me back home," I said immediately, staring at my hands angrily.

"Look," Dad sighed, putting the car in park and facing me, "I know what happened with Annabelle, but you two really need to try and make up,"

"I tried," I mumbled, "but she won't talk to me," I looked up for a split second and saw Annabelle looking straight at the car, her brown eyes narrowing with anger. My eyes went back down and I began to cry, the silent tears making their way down my face.

"I still need to help Aph and Aaron set stuff up, so you can stay, if you'd like," Dad sighed, opening his door. I nodded and heard the door slam shut.

I curled up into a ball and put my headphone on, listening to some showtunes as I tried to calm down. It didn't work.

"Good For You" from Dear Evan Hansen began to play, making me cry harder. Whenever Heidi yelled at Evan, saying how much he hurt her, I couldn't help but remember the night Annabelle and I had fought. How I had said something that I'll always regret and how I lost the person I cared the most about as a price.

Dad drove me back home a few minutes later and I ran up to my room, my face wet from all the crying. "What's wrong?" I heard Mom yell from downstairs. I slammed the door to my room as Dad began to explain what happened.

A couple hours later, I heard the door open. I turned around from my position on my bed and was faced with Mom, standing in the doorway and looking crestfallen.

"I'm not going," I mumbled, turning back around and closing my eyes.

I felt her sit down on the bed and begin lightly stroking my hair. "Are you sure, honey?" she asked.

I nodded. "I just feel like we both need some space from each other for awhile,"

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