Chapter Twenty-Six

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The day I actually got out of the hospital was a glorious one. While I still wasn't in peak mental or physical health, everyone agreed that it was time for me to go. I got dressed into some clothes Mom had brought me and waited while she signed me out. It was a little surreal to be outside of the room that I had inhabited for so long. The look of the place was the same, just on a bigger scale, but it had a different feeling to it. Rather than being dismal and sad, the exit hall was filled with silent happiness.

I could imagine small children running around happily, hugging their parents when one of them got out. Lovers standing their embracing as they got out, soulmarks on one telling them to get well soon. It was all so surreal, it didn't seem real.

"Are you ready to be back in the real world again?" Mom asked snapping me out of the daydream. I nodded and grabbed her hand, watching the world outside move around the hospital. Taking in a deep breath, I stepped up to the automatic doors and shut my eyes.

A cool breeze fell on my face, sending pleasant shivers down my spine. The sun also shone down on me, contrasting with the cool breeze. I was warm and cold at the same time, which nearly crashed my train of thought. The sounds of cars and birds echoed through my head, since I could only hear them with my eyes closed. The smell of gas from passing cars made its way into my nose, making me giggle. One of the many reasons to love the city.

"Let's go home," Mom said, making me open my eyes. I looked around at the full parking lot before nodding, wanting to see all of the people I cared about.

I sat in the passenger's seat of the car, my arm propped up against the door while my eyes lazily followed the houses and trees that passed by. My mind, however, was elsewhere.

I had been having these awful dreams since I had woken up. They filled me with so much terror that I would end up staying up until 5 am, the sun rising into view and making it even harder to sleep. Mostly, it was about Athena and my time at the warehouse, but I also dreamed about other things. My mind would make up horrible scenarios where everyone would leave me, my whole life ending without me dying. Images of Annabelle leaving me, saying how I wasn't worth all the effort would haunt my very being. My parents leading Nora away with happy looks on their faces, but hard glares going my way made me throw up. It was all so much that it was hard for me to actually sleep.

The only time I did sleep was when Annabelle had snuggled me. I couldn't explain it if I tried, but having someone there to hold or to hold me seemed to chase the nightmares away. I'm not sure if it mattered who it was, but I think it might've, since I had always felt better when my best friend was with me.

"We're almost there," Mom said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked out the window again and saw that we were getting closer to the house, passing by a close neighborhood.

A few minutes later, we pulled into the driveway of our house, the inside dark, which was weird, since both Dad and Nora were supposed to be home. I narrowed my eyes, mentally preparing myself for the jumpscare that everyone was gonna give me inside.

We entered and I realized just how right I was. The moment the light turned on, people were jumping out of corners and closets that weren't even there. Caleb Valkrum even fell down from the ceiling in front of the door. There wasn't even anything to hang on to. I may have screamed.

"Jewel!" Jane yelled, coming over to hug me. Everyone came to hug me in a flurry of arms and faces. I couldn't even tell who was hugging me at what times. Sometimes, kisses would be pressed to my head and small murmurs of happiness that I was alright.

"Alright, everyone, give her some space," I heard amongst the chaos, "I need my hug, too," Everyone froze and parted slightly to allow the person talking access to me.

Annabelle stood at the end, one of my old sweaters in hand. It was way too big for me and was colored a dirty brown. Other than the color and size, it was the most welcoming piece of clothing I had. It was almost as welcoming as the one holding it.

"I thought you'd want your comfort sweater," she said sheepishly as she walked over, holding out the sweater towards me. Once it was close enough, I grabbed it and pulled it on over my outfit, my head popping out with a soft fwoosh.

"Hug," I said simply, reaching my arms out and pulling Annabelle into a hug. She stiffened when my face went into the crook of her shoulder. Almost immediately, she relaxed and gave me a hug back, squeezing my whole body tightly.

"We still on for the fair on Saturday?" I asked, giggling as she struggled when my breath hit her neck.

"Of course," she said when she calmed down a little, "I can't wait to beat you at the games,"

I laughed and nudged her a little, snorting as she tumbled back into the wall with her own laugh. For the rest of the day, we all talked and ate treats, which made me laugh, but I still had a nagging voice in the back of head that reminded me of my nightmares that were guaranteed to happen that night.

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