Chapter Sixteen

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Mom had agreed, saying that it was alright if I didn't go to the picnic. I was left to my own devices. I sat in my room, staring out the window and thinking, which might have been dangerous, had I been having bad thoughts. However, I wasn't. All I thought about were plants and books.

That is, until a few hours later, when someone came barreling in through the front door. I hadn't seen who it was, but I ran out of my room and down to the first level of the house as soon as it happened. A lot of people were there, actually. It looked like everyone who has been at the picnic was there, beside from Mom.

"What happened?" I yelled over the fuss. Everyone turned to me, the worry in their eyes apparent.

"Someone came by at some point and, um," Aphmau began, unable to find the words. Luckily, Dad stepped in.

"She took Nana!" he yelled, tears streaming down his face. He was completely freaking out. His hands were shaking and he had trouble focusing on one thing, his good eye darting around the room.

"Dad, slow down," I said, rushing over to steady him, "Who did?" I shouldn't've asked, I already knew the answer.

"Athena," he whispered, sending a shiver up my spine.

I began to shake, my whole body shivering and my mind racing with adrenaline. It was all my fault. If I hadn't gone to that house, none of this would've happened.

"Show me," I stated, turning to Auntie Lucinda. She looked taken aback, fake confusion on her face.

"How can I show you what happened?" she asked, eye darting around the room.

"I know you've been working on a memory share potion!" I yelled, "Now show me!"

She sighed and reached into her satchel bag, pulling out a clear bottle of sparkling liquid. After a moment of whispering to it, it turned orange and she handed it to me. I grabbed it and immediately began to chug it, my vision going black the second it touched my lips.

When my vision came back, I was standing on the hill for the picnic. Everyone was eating, smiles dotting their faces and laughter ringing in the air. It looked peaceful.

That is, until someone in a dark green hoodie began to walk up the hill, the hood blocking their face. But I could recognize her.

I tried to scream as Mom noticed her and began to walk over, a small smile on her face, but nothing came out. Looking around, I saw Lucinda sitting next to me, talking to my other Auntie, Kim. I tried to grab her to tell her about what was happening, but my hand went right through her shoulder.

All I could do was watch as Mom went up to the disguised Athena and asked if she could help her with something.

"Yes," she said, smiling a not so nice smile, "There is something you could help me with, dear,"

Mom's ears flattened against her head and her tail twitched, but she made no effort to drop her smile. "Have we met before?" she asked, "You seem very familiar,"

"Yes," Athena cried, ripping off her hood and pulling out a soaked rag. Before Mom could react, she pressed the rag to her face, making her breathe it in. Within a few seconds, Mom was passed out, everyone finally noticing what was going on.

They all got up to fight her, but she threw something into the air, like a little sack and it burst, showering the whole place with a dark dust. We were blinded as Athena made her escape, my Mom disappearing with her.

The world began to crumble, making way for my living room and everyone that was there. After a few seconds, the room was back in full, everyone else looking at me with concern.

"It's all my fault," I whispered, my ears flattening and my arms going around to try and hide myself.

"How is it your fault?" Auntie Lucinda asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I shoved it away and looked up, terrified tears in my blue eyes. "Because I was the one who gave her what she needed to come here!" I screamed, my fingers wrapping around the sleeves of my shirt. "I was the one who went to that house,"

I ran to my room to start packing for a trip, ignoring everyone's cries for me. If I wanted to help Mom, I'd have to do it on my own.

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